Example sentences of "[adv] began [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The divan , lifted high at one end by Ludens , suddenly began to rush down the stairs , nearly overturning Jack and making a long scar upon the wallpaper with one of its feet .
2 The Commission found that it could no longer find any Poles or Kaszubians who were willing to sell their land , and so began to turn to the purchase and resale of Junker estates .
3 The major , striking and henceforth continuous improvement in these conditions only began to occur after the end of our period .
4 It is worth remembering that , at the moment when Manhattan 's business thus began to reach for the skies , New York 's Lower East side was probably the most overcrowded slum area in the western world with over 520 persons per acre .
5 Bloody-mindedness on all sides soon began to show in the economic performance of the region .
6 Hire purchase indeed soon began to figure in the minds of bureau workers as the Wicked Fairy , as well as the Fairy Godmother , in the house .
7 Not knowing how to refuse without sounding churlish , she looked down and absently began to smooth off the roughness of the article she was holding with an emery cloth .
8 During Elizabeth I 's prosperous reign , houses and brick kilns doubled in number , fashions travelled and , despite the anti-papist atmosphere , classical decoration from Italy and elsewhere began to creep into the English house , first on porches , then over windows , until by the end of the Jacobean era , the slow transition of the English house from Gothic to classical had begun .
9 When the grant ceased Zbo , as he was called , tried to earn a living by selling books and prints along the quayside , and gradually began to deal in the paintings of the modern and as yet unrecognized artists .
10 – The Russian peasants hardly began to migrate into the open spaces of Siberia before 1880 , though they moved in large numbers into the steppes of European Russia , whose settlement was more or less complete by the 1880s .
11 Baldwin at once began to talk about the walk they would have the following morning , and suggested that they should eschew the subject of coal for the evening .
12 It was that point in the morning when people usually began to think about the soup and potatoes that were expected shortly , rather than about the books they were reading .
13 One of the burning questions as I slowly began to learn about the disease , was how widespread was it within me ?
14 The twins also began to see towards the end of the book that Piggy was very clever and started to show him some respect .
15 However , beyond pointing to the dramatic increase in rape reports , we also began to speculate on the reasons for the shift by practically all the newspapers .
16 Demonstrators also began to gather outside the pit gates .
17 The birth rate also began to fall from the 1870s , initially among the professional middle class .
18 Revivalism also began to appear in the parallel growth of some of the dissenting churches and , most extremely , in the emergence of extraordinary movements of popular messianism and millenarianism .
19 Conflicting signals now began to emerge from the Commission .
20 The striped shirt man now began to talk about the portfolio .
21 He argued that the economic , political , ethical , legal , aesthetic , and erotic value spheres , which previously had been structured according to a unifying principle of the world religions and later of Enlightenment rationalism , now began to march to the beat of different drums ( Whimster and Lash 1987 ) .
22 But the disorders really began to escalate after the spring of 1715 , which saw the consolidation of the Whigs in power as a result of their success in the General Election of March , achieved with the full weight of royal patronage behind them .
23 ‘ After a slow start to the month trade really began to improve in the run-up to Christmas .
24 Military , police and reconnaissance experts immediately began to prepare for the arrival of the 14,000-strong force in the UN-protected areas of Eastern and Western Slavonia and Krajina , three Serb-held enclaves in eastern and southern Croatia .
25 Having decided that the vantage point for the watercolour in Figure 1 was the right one I then began to work on the overall design of the final work .
26 It was only in 1742 , moreover , that the militia there began to recruit from the urban as well as the rural population .
27 Although the first drops of water only officially began to trickle into the basin in 1975 , Rutland Water is already famous for its wildfowl numbers .
28 Many parents who began to work with their children complained that the basic schemes they brought home to read were inane , and they subsequently began to share in the choice of books within the classroom .
29 She too began to run towards the group huddled over her father 's body .
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