Example sentences of "[adv] likely [to-vb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I propose , as I believe Judge Diamond intended , to consider the preliminary issue on the premise that the effect of the relevant allegations in the statement of claim is as follows : ( 1 ) The health authority 's treatment of the delivery of the plaintiff and the confinement of his mother lacked proper skill and care in respects which were foreseeably likely to result in the plaintiff being born with disabilities .
2 They therefore have much more freedom and scope for accommodation , and are much less likely to conform to the same fixed pattern .
3 So I think that disaster preparedness and , and , and making yourself safer comes only when you have quite a large surplus , and that means in the developed countries of the world , like the Californian was much , much less likely to die from an earthquake even though he lives in a very vulnerable part of the world , than perhaps erm a rural person in Central America .
4 If we are brought up to think of asking for help as childish , and if our own requests for help have not been swiftly and cheerfully met , we are less likely to respond in a simple and positive way to demands .
5 Knowing you have a structured interview to progress through will make you less likely to fall into the trap of making an intuitive decision at the opening stages of the interview .
6 However , an attractively designed computer is less likely to fall within the scope of registered designs because a person buying a computer is more interested in the performance of the computer ; its appearance is not important to a material extent , although it must be acknowledged that the Design Registry and the courts took a fairly liberal attitude prior to the changes to the 1949 Act and are likely to continue to be generous in this respect .
7 The system is further complicated by the fact that on many issues a Flemish socialist is far less likely to agree with a French-speaking fellow-socialist than with a conservative fellow-Fleming .
8 Children who are alienated by parental rejection , disaffected by continuous and severe punishment , do not identify with their parents ' point of view when they are being disciplined , and are therefore less likely to agree with the criticism being made and less liable to ‘ internalize ’ the judgement .
9 The basic education law passed in 1949 gave the responsibility to local , state governments in accordance with the general principle of the government of post-war reconstruction — that decentralised government was less likely to lead to a re-run of the Nazi regime .
10 There were no significant differences in the present study between the never and the previously married although it might be expected that people with children might be less likely to go into a home than those without any and the widowed , divorced , or separated are much more likely to have children than the single : 75 per cent compared with 6 per cent .
11 The results are less likely to seep into the sand . ’
12 ( d ) Explain briefly why accountants normally consider a provision for bad and doubtful debts necessary but are less likely to insist on a provision for discounts allowable to debtors .
13 Their employees learn faster and are less likely to leave for a rival .
14 Here it will be less likely to pull across the pavement into the road .
15 New work patterns , such a partial shifts , mean that senior house officers are less likely to work for a single consultant and also make it more difficult for all junior doctors to attend teaching sessions at set times .
16 In most of the southern States , therefore , the level of AFDC payments is much less likely to contribute to the generation of a ‘ culture of dependency ’ on the state than is the case in many further north — especially in the Upper Great Lakes region — and west . )
17 When a firm is mature , with a long track-record , investors are less likely to pay over the odds for it .
18 In addition , it would make us far less likely to eat for the wrong reasons .
19 So , there is an overall decline but technology may be selectively affecting those who are partially-hearing and they are less likely to appear in the statistics for special education ( DES , 1981 ) .
20 Women writers are less likely to identify with the existential plight of the lone male , but even so , a willingness to conform to the narrative conventions of realism is evident in the fiction of a number of writers who are now viewed as innovative .
21 Organizations are arenas within which some things will tend to hang together and be adopted by power-players as a bundle , while other forms of combination may be far less likely to occur as a coherent package , perhaps because they are less coherent or because the alliance which could make them so lacks a position in the field of power to be able to constitute the necessity of its choices .
22 This is only likely to happen on a large scale if an institution is failing to achieve a good return on the capital invested .
23 IT SEEMS that even in its own time the thirteenth-century motet was considered by many to be a sophisticated , subtle genre , only likely to appeal to the literati .
24 Given that the amount of space devoted to retailing is at historical highs and still not showing convincing signs of contracting , competition is highly likely to intensify in the coming year .
25 What can be deduced from a self-portrait is often controversial ; a critic is especially likely to read into a self-portrait some opinion held about the artist .
26 A ‘ token ’ cut in interest rates of half a point to 10 p.c. was nevertheless likely to happen before the end of the month .
27 My fear is that I am not likely to serve on the Standing Committee , although I volunteer for such duty if the opportunity be there .
28 Recent court cases where the victims of rape have been seen by judges as contributing to the crime through their ‘ negligence ’ — for example hitch-hiking alone — are not likely to act as an encouragement for other victims to report such offences .
29 Fathers may miss their teenagers but are not likely to grieve in the same way .
30 Maufe 's obituary read , ‘ His work is not likely to appeal to the present generation of architects because it was essentially traditional and restrained . ’
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