Example sentences of "[adv] able [to-vb] [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Because the elite , through their superior wealth , are better able to live up to the so-called modern values , which are all the more costly to support because of their external source , they are further differentiated from the poor .
2 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
3 That 's what made us play up , people just sitting there , not able to go up to the STU [ occupational therapy ] because there was n't enough officers or staff to take us .
4 I now wanted desperately to belong to the Christian church in general ( which to me , from my Free Church background , was what baptism implied ) while not able to belong specifically to the Anglican Church ( which was what confirmation implied ) so long as that church discriminated against women .
5 His drawings were so clear and he was always able to get directly to the important issues .
6 ‘ Some of the residents are still able to go over to the shops .
7 In 1888 , a decade after total estrangement had come between them , Nietzsche was still able to look back to his days with Wagner at Tribschen as " days of trust , optimism , sublime accidents , profound moments " .
8 Individuals have a wider range of duties , and are often able to contribute more to the achievements of the organisation , compared with the achievements of individuals in large organisations .
9 He was aware of the earth spirit , and seemed consciously able to tune in to what he called ‘ earth memories ’ and ‘ the memory of nature ’ .
10 Reynolds was a notable conversationalist , well able to stand up to his friends , who included Samuel Johnson and Edmund Burke .
11 The lizard is then able to rush away to safety while the predator , momentarily confused by the suddenness of what has happened , concentrates all its efforts on the disembodied tail .
12 And I think that in this sense his life was a failure , that he was never able to live up to his scientific naturalism , that he was never able to integrate his romantic nature with his view of the nature of the universe .
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