Example sentences of "[adv] go [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Mm Oh that would be alright if we go yeah we can all go over for a nice little run out
2 Cos they wo n't all go up on a tree .
3 The same realization came to the King , pushed towards his precipice by Hardinge harshly telling him that he could not go on without a decision .
4 It was burning , fraying at the edges , riddled with violent cancers of nationalism , spite and greed that could not go on without a climax for much longer .
5 Even when I arrived back at Thornfield , I did not go in for a while .
6 But Doherty , 22 , of Dublin , did not go down without a fight and doggedly pursued Hendry all afternoon .
7 It is becoming increasingly popular — why not go along to a meeting near you ?
8 It is becoming increasingly popular — why not go along to a meeting near you ?
9 If you are walking in an area where adders are found — dry heath and common land — then as long as you do not go along like a herd of elephants there is a fair chance of coming across one .
10 ‘ One does not go out for a meal just for the food , ’ he added , hardly improving the situation .
11 No Tiller is ever seen with a man , she does not go out with a man , receive any man and the rule extends even to her father and brothers , no Girl holds a conversation with a man , inside or outside the theatre and if a man addresses her , she would say ‘ Excuse me ’ and walk away .
12 So I always had meat during the rainy months when I could not go out with a gun .
13 Clearly she could not go out through a locked door — so where is she ? ’
14 Yes , in that they do not go out like a candle on death ; so far natural justice is satisfied .
15 You do not go out after a dragon with hounds and huntsmen ; nor with gangs of labourers to dig pits and set fires and lay traps .
16 It 's always the programmer — it 's very , very seldom the computer — and if I could just go on for a minute , I feel it 's essential that young children , particularly in the primary schools , get used to using hardware and programing , so that they will see the computer as part of their normal lives , like reading and writing and anything else they use .
17 You can just go up for a ride , letting someone else do all the work while you enjoy the sensation , or learn to pilot the thing for yourself .
18 I have been telling them about the different sensitivity which Asian women have to their babies and the fact that you ca n't just go up to an Asian woman with the diet leaflet and say you should be giving your baby Cod Liver Oil , because 90 per cent of Asians in Wandsworth are vegetarians .
19 And will he just go in as an apprentice the same as yourself ?
20 One can hardly go up to an admiral of the fleet and ask him what he was doing on the night of Friday the thirteenth .
21 It is well known that local reversals of movement occur and may possibly go on for a number of years .
22 No one would ever go up to a man and comment on what 's in his trousers !
23 Ron will be back tonight , so we 'll probably go out for a couple of pints .
24 name ; is a very respectable cook , so we make occasional trips to the supermarket and to the open market , and then eat at home in the evening , although we can also go out to a restaurant for a meal if we want , as someone has now kindly lent us a car .
25 You see she used to have Mondays to herself and I would often go round on a Monday afternoon and we could we could talk .
26 Yes , and she phoned me and she said I feel as though I dropped out of the bottom of the world she said , you know , I just do n't see anybody , I said well of course you were working on Mondays , you see she used to have Mondays to herself and I would often go round on a Monday afternoon and , we , we could talk , but that 's gone and I said I ca n't run in at half past five when you get home from school and chat to you because Ned will be coming home at six and I do n't want to be there all that often when he 's there erm its you know , its just happened and I also thought to myself and I 'm probably going to move a lot further away then Fen Lane .
27 She would rather go out with a bang than a whimper .
28 If they formulate detailed hypotheses and produce elaborate questionnaires or interview schedules without first carrying out informal interviews they may well go off in a completely fruitless direction and have only themselves to blame when they end up with several hundred completed forms , none of which have asked the right questions about the right key factors .
29 Could well go down as a second own goal of the match .
30 Might as well go in for a bit because .
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