Example sentences of "[adv] go [adv] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 But er she 's coming a and gives him twenty five pounds for what he 's done oh he came in , he came into the kitchen , it 's ever so funny , he came into the kitchen to tell me about this you see Anyway he came back in there and I said to him I 'm not really enthusiastic about the thought er thinking that I was involved with this as well so the dear woman turned round and said to me it 's only your husband so I said well I 'd better go back in the kitchen where I know my place .
2 Now upstairs there are people working , so when you get to the far end we ask you do n't go straight upstairs , if you can wait please and we 'll we 'll we 'll all you 'll all go up in the room together , .
3 This can all go straight in the bin this with all this lot .
4 An Italian flair does not go amiss in the Elgar : Accardo 's impetuosity gives a new slant to the score , his intensity in the Andante an immediacy .
5 We did not go up in the same lift , but were taken to another one , apparently for the use of directors only .
6 Due to the pre-UK release — ha ha — of ‘ Your Arsenal ’ , much is forgiven concerning that dreaded disappearance from Australia last year ( He does n't just do it here then — IM ) , but a snappy return trip would not go astray in the hearts of the young distraught fans , please please please …
7 Well can you not go down in the morning when you 're a bit better ?
8 Their cheer did not go far in the brittle morning air but it pleased her .
9 The main thing about a hallway , however , is that you can not go anywhere in the house without passing through it .
10 This time , Wilson did not go out in the street to wave goodbye nor did she weep .
11 You will not go out in the streets and you will not say anything in public .
12 B. S. Johnson 's The Unfortunates , for example , could scarcely go further in the creation of what Roland Barthes calls scriptible fiction .
13 Okay , but the item that licenses them the other licensing sentence you need in order to license these items , you ca n't just go anywhere in the sentence so sentence three , herself saw Florence is no good , even though Florence is there , it 's in the wrong place relative to herself and similarly six , anyone saw no one is no good , even though no one is in the sentence .
14 Perhaps they did n't ever go up in the loft .
15 Well , they can come in to the church , as many of them do , erm and I just say to them well , you know , do you respect this place and fine , it 's a place where we do n't chuck anybody out who comes into church for all sorts of reasons during the day when the church is open , you know , people come in , and there are many people like the ones we 've been talking about , who are in desperate need , and we just ask them to respect certain fairly mild rules they can always go out in the churchyard and smoke , but in the building itself we say no smoking and no drinking .
16 But as Bennett points out , the government will probably go further in the direction of privatisation — some leading Tories are canvassing the idea of actual or quasi privatisation of certain benefits .
17 What has actually happened effectively as a result of the massive exchange movements of 1984 and early 1985 is that an American citizen can now go anywhere in the world and purchase goods for the same price abroad as he can at home .
18 If they formulate detailed hypotheses and produce elaborate questionnaires or interview schedules without first carrying out informal interviews they may well go off in a completely fruitless direction and have only themselves to blame when they end up with several hundred completed forms , none of which have asked the right questions about the right key factors .
19 oh well now that 's summat else we do n't do now , we do n't , there 's some at sixpence and some at tuppence we do n't go round in a who
20 I 'm sure you should n't go round in the middle of a performance .
21 Things did n't go right in the house so I left and ran away .
22 So I ca n't go away in the autumn now cos that 's just when everybody 's start you know raring to go and wanting to get started on next year 's programme .
23 I 'll have , have to do that later for you because you wo n't be doing it then , this lesson next year , and if your pots do n't go up in the kiln I will be glazing for you , so of course you see the colour and everything we do n't have the time to do that , it 's a shame , well actually they 'll look very smart just with the glaze on , but I 'll try and get that done for you , okay , can you put your hand up if there is
24 I 'd put them all in an old suitcase and erm , cos I could n't just put them in there I had to have a look , they 're sentimental and that book was in there so I can definitely get you that , but I would n't go up in the loft I 'm afraid , I 'm so scared of creepy crawlies so er , you know , if you , if you want to come back some time when my husband 's here I mean he can tell you more about the wallpaper and decorating , and I 'll get him to get that out .
25 But I could n't go home in the dark ! ’
26 Something about there being no place like home but he could n't go home in the dark .
27 and er just to , just to sit , it was just that Penny and Kev and Pam and Grant have got different ways in their mind to where we are , we do n't go anywhere in a hurry , I do n't go somewhere and think oh I 've got to be back at ten o'clock
28 Do n't go along in a dirty T shirt and floppy gym shoes or try to over-impress or be antagonistic .
29 Poverty was not experienced as a problem because there was so little that women wanted to spend money on ( 'No , I do n't go out in the evenings , Mother does n't like it . ’
30 ‘ But I ca n't go out in the street because every day in every street here there is a massacre by grenades .
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