Example sentences of "[adv] far as [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So far as practical consequences are concerned , we need still to bear in mind how far this falls short of a general protection in rem ; difficulty , as always , would arise in proving the bad faith of the possessor .
2 We have no intention to emigrate so far as present plans are concerned .
3 Thus , in so far as middle-class women are more likely to perceive the low status of the housewife role , they are more likely than their working-class sisters to be dissatisfied with it .
4 So far as alternative remedies are concerned , if the alternative is provided by statute then deference to Parliamentary intention can be called in aid of requiring recourse to the alternative .
5 So far as Allied Colloids is concerned a great deal .
6 The immediate prospects are not promising for the child , at least in so far as primary schools are concerned .
7 In so far as material conditions were more unpleasant , so human beings were more unpleasant .
8 We should proceed beyond the immediate results of experience only so far as legitimate inductions will take us .
9 So far as new teachers are concerned , the implications of the new market ethos created by open enrolment and LMS are considerable .
10 By themselves the facts are neutral but in so far as moral views about the proper role of the media are based upon presumptions about facts , our empirical findings are bound to have moral implications .
11 On the other hand , in so far as general provisions such as Articles 100 and 235 may be used in this area , national competence would appear only to be excluded to the extent that the Community has enacted legislation .
12 So far as ordinary citizens and non-governmental bodies are concerned , the background principle of English law is that a person or body may do anything which the law does not prohibit .
13 So far as actual repairs to defective books are concerned , I hope I have said enough in earlier pages to discourage collectors from attempting them , unless they submit themselves to attending one of the excellent courses arranged in some centres of education .
14 However , as discussed above , in relation to contracts under which ownership of goods is transferred , so far as such contracts are not governed by s 6 of the UCTA , they are now governed by the new s 7(3A) .
15 ( t ) Subject to and in accordance with a due compliance with the provisions of Sections 155 to 158 ( inclusive ) of the Act ( if and so far as such provisions shall be applicable ) , to give , whether directly or indirectly , any kind of financial assistance ( as defined in Section 152(1) ( a ) of the Act ) for any such purpose as is specified in Section 151(1) and/or Section 151(2) of the Act .
16 ( t ) Subject to and in accordance with a due compliance with the provisions of Sections 155 to 158 ( inclusive ) of the Act ( if and so far as such provisions shall be applicable ) , to give , whether directly or indirectly , any kind of financial assistance ( as defined in Section 152(1) ( a ) of the Act ) for any such purpose as is specified in Section 151(1) and/or Section 151(2) of the Act .
17 In so far as such doctrines owe anything to economic theory , it is to that body of theorising now encompassed within the term ‘ public choice theory ’ , and particularly to economic models of bureaucracy .
18 ‘ An inquisition … ( b ) shall set out , so far as such particulars have been proved — ( i ) who the deceased was ; and ( ii ) how , when and where the deceased came by his death …
19 In so far as such tales are written for our doctrine they must be actively morally interpreted by the reader ; they act through revelation , not mere instruction .
20 Section 682 provides that income arising under a settlement shall be deemed not to have been distributed if and to the extent that it exceeds the aggregate of : ( i ) the sums , excluding all payments of interest , paid in that year by the trustees of the settlement to any persons ( not being a body corporate connected with the settlement and not being the trustees of another settlement made by the settlor or the trustees of the settlement ) in such manner that they fall to be treated in that year , otherwise than by virtue of s677 above , as the income of those persons for the purposes of income tax , or would fall to be so treated if those persons were domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom and the sums had been paid to them there ; and ( ii ) subject to s682(2)– ( 5 ) ( rules for ascertaining undistributed income where interest is paid by trustees ) any expenses of the trustees of the settlement paid in that year which , in the absence of any express provision of the settlement , would be properly chargeable to income , in so far as such expenses are not included in the sums mentioned in para ( i ) above ; and ( iii ) in a case where the trustees of the settlement are trustees for charitable purposes , the amount by which any income arising under the settlement in that year in respect of which exemption from tax may be granted under s505 of TA 1988 exceeds the aggregate amount of any such sums or expenses as aforesaid paid in that year which are properly chargeable to that income .
21 But in so far as such voters may have their partisanship reinforced the trends do present a major hurdle to the election of a Labour government .
22 So far as other sectors are concerned , there are no comparable data .
23 As yet , so far as religious houses were concerned , it was the alienation of the gift , not the failure to fulfil the condition , that prompted recovery by the donor .
24 In so far as modern historians have tried to explain it , it is simply as a continuation of the war of 1173 This however , it was not .
25 So far as modern alloys are concerned , their names ( eg ‘ copper-nickel ’ , aluminium-copper ’ etc ) often indicate the main ingredients .
26 In so far as geographical definitions can be made , we have defined Turkey as a country which could be a member of the Community and for our purposes Turkey is regarded as a European country .
27 In education operational time scales tend to be longer than commercial ones , certainly so far as joint projects are concerned .
28 So far as English lawyers have theorized about the nature of corporate personality at all , they at one time for the most part accepted the doctrine of the Canon Law , that such personality is a mere fiction of the law with no basis in fact .
29 But so far as natural substances go we are all gazing countrymen .
30 So far as wasted costs orders were concerned , cover was already provided by the BMIF for the benefit of those who had been made subject to such orders ; but that cover did not extend to related costs .
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