Example sentences of "[adv] you get [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 if ever you get to the stage where the left of the party or the right of the party , either extreme wing , feel that they 've got such power , that they can pull the whole thing their way , the danger is that the bits at the other end will snap and that of course is the disunity danger which had absolutely devastated the Labour party , where the left did exactly that and the moderate centre That 's if you can call it that , snapped off .
2 Now you get to the fun bit — decorating your bookmark .
3 I know she wo n't board but I tell you , I tell you the main advantages of boarding is that a lot of times if you , you know when sometimes you get to the point where you 've done so much prep and you 've got lots more and you really you feel like you ca n't cope
4 And then you get into the situations apparently where erm people decide after they 've had sex
5 You , you , you build this up , now , and then you get to the point where you 're going to say to yourself , well , do we have to do anything about it ?
6 When it 's your child you 've watched fight for her life and then you get to the stage where she 's reached one .
7 Now on Green , now we go , we 've come along from the top of Street right along Road , the toy shop then you get to the Kings Arms and on the other side of the road there was another pub and I ca n't remember the name of it , then there was the fish shop and then the Liberal Club then the pork butchers you 'd think they were all full of meat .
8 I mean they should be in the ruddy kitchen I suppose , but then you get to the stage where it 's
9 It 's like when you piss and it 's really bad , it 's really bad and then you get to the toilet and it 's that 's why I like that bit in , have you seen A League of Their Own ?
10 Five bob , and then you get on a piece rate .
11 And then the second says show that that complex numbered to the power of four where that complex number is that complex number , so all you do is that four , that and then you get minus a corner .
12 and then you get in the morning
13 It 's funny how you get into A lot of people are like that .
14 How you get in a sleeping bag and that , oh no
15 It 's when you get to the wound strings that the variables increase and the differences become more apparent .
16 There is a s distinct advantage of course is when you get to the other end if you 've labelled it all or you know y what you 've put into which box , you know what you want out immediately , like the kettle .
17 So you know when you get in a meeting sometimes you 've got a point of view on an agenda item and you think how where am I gon na get support for for my point of view on the meeting ?
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