Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] wait for [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 've given her something and she , she had to put this stuff on her hair , had to take a trip to the hairdresser and he said to the hairdresser comb my hair first and then put this stuff on and wait for a fortnight and it did come a little lighter , but it was n't much
2 Instead of waiting a matter of seconds for the lights to change , the hapless riders either remain in the saddle , take a chance when they see a gap in the traffic , or get off and wait for the green man .
3 He said she was to go to Ludgate Circus , stand on the south corner of Fleet Street at 6.30 p.m. and wait for a cab to pull in and pick her up .
4 I 'd sit out in my car , all made up and wait for the stage doorkeeper to come and fetch me . ’
5 But grypesh do much the same as we do : they hole up and wait for the weather to pass . ’
6 Once the message was on the wire , he had little else to do except sit back and wait for a few days .
7 Seated in one of Kanazawa Industrial University library 's viewing booths , they just pick the tape they want to see front the list displayed , punch in its number , then sit back and wait for the programme to start .
8 ‘ They find accommodation where they set up a nursery , then sit back and wait for the right opportunity to arise .
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