Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] none [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You can not imagine him putting up with the committee which apparently advised Elizabeth II in 1960 to buy an all too committee-like selection of modern artists — Nolan , Lowry , Hitchens , Davie — chosen , one suspects , so that none of the great men felt left out .
2 And when ye would set out for Castille , let all the people know in secret , that they make themselves ready , and take with them all that they have , so that none of the Moors in the suburb may know thereof ; for certes ye can not keep the city , neither abide therein after my death .
3 The story about the holiday and the car accident were put about , even told to his wife in the beginning , so that none of the others still in Poland should be put in danger . ’
4 Only the instructor had done better and none of the officers who had come to amuse themselves on the range had more than a dozen hits out of 18 rounds .
5 So if none of the above applies to you now , it does not rule out risks you or your partner may have taken in the past .
6 ‘ It 's just that none of the other three had any family to protest . ’
7 Indeed , Creggan soon found out that none of the eagles seemed to like talking about where they came from or how they came to be in the Cages .
8 To return to the question of how these topics can be integrated into the initial professional training of foreign language teachers , we would point out that none of the topics is entirely new even to those who have not been involved in linguistics in their academic course and , secondly , that they are all related to questions of classroom practice .
9 That is , indeed , the line which has been taken in cases concerning the Scottish Union legislation ( e.g. McCormick v Lord Advocate , [ 1953 ] SC 396 ; Gibson v Lord Advocate , ( 1975 ) SLT 134 ) which , however , have failed thus far because none of the acts complained of as allegedly infringing the terms of union ( e.g. the conferment upon Her Majesty by the Royal Titles Act 1953 of the title of ‘ Queen Elizabeth the Second ’ , when there had never been an Elizabeth the First of Scotland ) has in fact infringed those terms .
10 The letter of the law was observed in so far as none of the names of the actual raped women were mentioned .
11 But in spite of everything perhaps it was just as well that none of the things they could see … none of the plump fish or chickens being toasted on skewers , none of the creamy breads , chapatis , nan , and parathas , none of the richly bubbling curries and glistening mounds of rice , which the skeletons ' scarlet rimmed eyes could see in their lenses and at which they glared for hour after hour that none of these things were available , for in their starved and debilitated condition it was very likely that a heavy curry would have killed them as dead as a cannon ball .
12 The next few seconds seemed to move so fast that none of the witnesses to it , eagles or people , could ever quite remember the sequence of events .
13 Even if none of the above causes apply in your case , try one or more of the following :
14 If the answer is ‘ Very ’ then seek advice , even if none of the above categories apply .
15 Even if none of the domains is invoked against the speaker , it is still there , within the discourse .
16 It took a bit of time to get all the necessary planning permission , simply because none of the authorities involved had ever had to deal with anything like Sanipet before !
17 The shape-specific polymers continued to be passed on from potency to potency even after none of the original solute was left in the solution .
18 It retained its popularity even though none of the Hanoverian kings was an inspiring personality and none , with the possible exception of George I , a man of much intelligence .
19 In fact she felt that Jennie positively disliked her , particularly when none of the shoes in stock fitted her and Jennie refused to buy her a new pair .
20 The American boy turned in his seat and stared , expecting to see a fight , but the cowering Annamite accepted his beating meekly and none of the European passersby spared the man a second glance .
21 The chanting of arithmetical tables by the whole class , day after day , used to impress the data so firmly that none of the circumstances of later life could eliminate that early acquirement .
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