Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] [verb] himself [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ROGER HOAD is threatening to sue the Jockey Club for the Pounds 5,500 he spent on successfully defending himself against weight-switching allegations .
2 Cassie wondered hazily whether in Johnny 's book it would be considered all right to force himself on the other sort of girl , whoever she may be !
3 He wanted to say her name but he could not remember it ; he wanted to engage in the physical endearments and gentleness he so much prided himself on bestowing and was received so gratefully for so doing , but this lean , hard-bodied girl would have none of it .
4 It might not be as easy as plotting Vologsky 's defection — and Kirov had only just reminded himself of a few of the terrors which he could face if he failed .
5 He only just stopped himself in time .
6 Another superb serve led to no more than a defensive return from Sampras and Forget was so confident that the American would not be able to return his first volley that he only just stopped himself from throwing his racket into the air as he started to dance for joy along with the crowd .
7 Once , to his own dismay , he almost hit the child out of frustration , and only just curbed himself in time .
8 Somehow or other , the vicar got off stage , and disappeared behind the altar , perhaps off to hurl himself into the flames that would shortly be consuming Donald .
9 The Observer commented that Ramsey destroyed his chances of succeeding Fisher as archbishop by so openly identifying himself with the extreme high church party .
10 Bath 's Ben Clarke has so far established himself as the pick of the British Lions touring squad in New Zealand
11 By this time the manner of Cutter 's death was known throughout ie camp and somehow it appeared disconcertingly trivial for a man " ho had so often exposed himself to such great danger .
12 Irony in Estella 's true background after Pip has tried so hard to distance himself from the lower classes and she turns out to have come from them .
13 Did he feel he had invented the gun-for-hire designer by so firmly dissociating himself from any one house ?
14 The principle that no man can be a judge in his own cause may also be infringed if a person has so actively identified himself with the temperance cause , by his actions in campaigning against the granting of certificates , that it would be contrary to elementary justice that he should act as a member of a licensing board .
15 Pieces of Eight marked a new self-confident Kenneth Williams who had only occasionally revealed himself until then .
16 In other words , whilst appearing to criticize the antisemitism of Streicher and The Protocols , the author does not wholly distance himself from the traditions of antisemitism .
17 Of great importance was the real incentive to [ Bunn ] not only to dis-embarrass himself of a thoroughly unsatisfactory debtor by getting a guarantee secured by a charge on a registered property , but also of producing a satisfactory answer to the awkward interest being shown by those at London Head Office .
18 Farr-Jones has not only proven himself to be the world 's leading scrum-half , but his captaincy over the past four years has grown in maturity and stature with each test and tour match .
19 But Watson does not only see himself as publicity agent for his cause .
20 As in this passage , Genet not only disguises himself in terms of the law , but internalizes the disguise .
21 Lewis , a metre behind , equalled the old world record of 9.93 seconds but could not even console himself with a new American best for he only equalled the time of Calvin Smith .
22 The dog stopped and he was just about to congratulate himself on his authoritative and successful method of summoning her , when she made a plunging dart forward and seized the mass of cloth in her mouth .
23 The likelihood is that he saw the decisive disadvantages of Curzon but could not quite reconcile himself to the thought of the very junior Baldwin , who had so recently ‘ bounced ’ and damaged him over the debt settlement , being in 10 Downing Street .
24 He was certain that Scarlet would never behave so irrationally but could not quite rid himself of the image of the breakfast table .
25 Gedge had still not fully applied himself to music and was quite happy to play board games with Solowka rather than the laborious task of writing songs .
26 He knows exactly how to present himself in the light best calculated to deceive .
27 Unsurprisingly , the court has held that a person charged with making an appointment can not validly appoint himself as the expert : Jones ( M ) v Jones ( R R ) [ 1971 ] 1 WLR 840 .
28 While some use will be made of an article on early ensemble direction by David Camesi , it is the case that the author did not primarily concern himself with French evidence .
29 Edward had not yet covered himself with military glory , but he had revealed a sureness of political judgement which was to stand him in good stead in the greater military endeavours that he embarked upon in 1337 .
30 Braque , on the other hand , although he was only six months younger than Picasso , was slower in his development and had not yet established himself as a particularly original or significant painter ; indeed , Braque subsequently came to feel that the paintings he executed in Antwerp during the summer of 1906 were his first creative works .
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