Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] have [been] told " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps , I only say perhaps , I promise nothing , ’ he said , throwing his purse carelessly from one hand to another , ‘ perhaps I have been told to give you a present when you lose your apprentice . ’
2 Or so I had been told .
3 She shows some talent , or so I 've been told .
4 ‘ Or so I 've been told . ’
5 It 's just the way they roll the curler on so I 've been told but erm whether it 's simple as that or not I do n't know .
6 I AM a handsome ( so I have been told ) 40-year-old man .
7 Every now and again — or so she 'd been told — the owners would call in the books .
8 However much you have been told , you may still come across problems when you first join a Home .
9 Only they 'd been told the wrong grave .
10 Perhaps he had been told when he was first taken to Court .
11 He knew the most trusted adviser of the late Tsar Peter had been a Scotsman , but there had been four Tsars since then , and there was a Tsarina , Elizabeth , on the throne , or so he had been told in Vilna .
12 That is where , or so he had been told , Brighton still offered a whiff of the cosmopolitan , esoteric atmosphere of the Left Bank in Paris or a hint of Berlin 's former decadence .
13 It turned out the Australian 's baggage with much expensive equipment had never arrived in Quito , not even made it to the continent ( or so he 'd been told ) , and I sensed he had no sympathy left for any other 's misfortune .
14 There 's things that we are doing like I 've been told by a couple of people this evening the autumn programme they think it 's very good very progressive very enjoyable I thi that that to me that reinforces the autumn programme by several people so people who here are people here this evening feel they we say something about what is n't on the agenda or what is on the agenda but I think that 's what the meetings for but I do n't think it 's a bad exercise to talk to the people who actually pay come in the building I mean I think that 's a valid exercise .
15 That , in itself , was not unusual ; but for once he had been told nothing of the reason for the meeting .
16 Now I 've been told that I 've lost my place and I 'm very disappointed . ’
17 Now I 've been told by other people who 've er erm gone down this route that I 'm proposing to follow with L E As that erm there are two ways round it .
18 But now she 's been told she ca n't .
19 Now we 've been told by , in reports that we 've got five , six hundred up to ni , we 're gon na have nine hundred vacancies this is Mr
20 talk to the dentist 's say kids have got to wear braces , so just about everybody has been told
21 Now they have been told to restore normal services ‘ without delay ’ , but no deadline is stipulated .
22 He wondered if they had been primed to talk to him , and how far they had been told they could go .
23 Now he 's been told to stop doing a good turn for pensioners and others who otherwise have to wait minutes for a gap in the traffic .
24 Now he 's been told it 's not a fungus , it 's eczema .
25 Well I 've been told , well I I was gon na come and see you anyway
26 Well you 've been told you can have your desk and your chair , but you 're not gon na have your lamp and erm some other bits .
27 mm , well we 've been told this with Simon , you know needs to get to standard with them , with maths in particularly , before he goes up to secondary level you know because
28 It is necessary to rely on the accounts published since the embargo on absolute secrecy was lifted in 1977 , and there seems little advantage in repeating here what has been told so well already ; and , after all , this book has quite a different purpose .
29 Any subject er three seems to suit , all odd numbers , funny enough , seem to better than o even numbers , I du n no why , but erm maybe I 've been told that by so many judges I begin to believe it .
30 Mrs Banham said he was put on the operation waiting list in December last year , when the wait was about seven months , since then she has been told it could be 18 months .
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