Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [prep] so far " in BNC.

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1 Knowledge , teaching and learning are only justified in so far as they contribute to that much more ambitious end .
2 This ‘ immediacy ’ of meaning in oral society he relates to the society 's functional needs , citing Malinowski 's claim that ‘ in the Trobriands the outer world was only named in so far as it yielded useful things ’ ( ibid . ) .
3 Projected profiles consist of drawing the first section completely , while parallel sections behind the first are only drawn in so far as they project above earlier sections ( Fig. 9.17 ) .
4 Before we turn to that material we must look at the course the narrative has taken since the beginning of Genesis , reminding ourselves yet again of familiar events , and skimming through areas we have not looked at so far .
5 Technically it does not : the right is still upheld in so far as the jury are told that no inferences can be drawn from silence in the face of allegations .
6 Looking for two points not many can do at meetings as long as you pass it up there 's two points , two important points that we have n't talked about so far and there in the reasons why we do it they 're in there somewhere .
7 The request that you have done me the honour to make , to receive the record of my voice , is one that I cheerfully comply with so far as lies in my power ; though I lament to say that the voice which I transmit to you is only the relic of an organ the employment of which has been overstrained .
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