Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adv] [pers pn] wait " in BNC.

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1 If it has n't arrived yet we wait .
2 I went back to the van and the bloody thing would n't start so I waited there till morning when I could catch a bus and … and , well , just get out . ’
3 Why did n't they wait for the passengers to get off first , instead of squeezing themselves , their sacks of wheat and bicycles on at the same time that others were dragging their possessions off ?
4 Why did n't they wait for me ? ’
5 Why did n't you wait ?
6 Why did n't you wait for me ? ’
7 ‘ I 'm sorry you 're miffed because I do n't want to sell and I 'm sorry our views on the nuisance value of my workshop conflict , ’ Ashley said , ‘ but why do n't we wait until the villas are occupied and take a vote among the owners ?
8 Well I know I said but , I did n't realize what time it will be , why do n't we wait until tomorrow morning and then you can watch P C Postman before you go to school ?
9 Why do n't you wait a few hours and see if he gets what you need from Blagg ? ’
10 Why do n't you wait and have that counselling that was suggested ? ’
11 Why do n't you wait till Colin 's used more .
12 and like Helen , well Helen said why do n't you wait until you move , and I said well that might not be all that , you know
13 why do n't you wait and see what the numbers are like and then you can always ring up a few people and say we 've got a space if you 'd like to come
14 Why had n't he waited , at least until her father was home ?
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