Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [noun pl] of age " in BNC.

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1 Cavour , only fifty years of age , the great statesman Italy had needed for so long .
2 He was only 22 years of age .
3 His father died suddenly when he was only 12 years of age and he had an early baptism of public life , being prominent in Scottish affairs while still in his teens .
4 When he presided in court , the count was accompanied by a panel of local boni homines , " good men " , that is , more substantial landholders with perhaps further qualifications of age and experience and personal prestige , in whose selection an element of peer-group choice was acknowledged .
5 When he inherited his title , the Earl was only 7 years of age and the family debt was about £270,000 , several millions of pounds at 1990 values .
6 Children below three years of age can show some forms of pro-social behaviour , especially after ( approximately ) twenty months .
7 Still only 21 years of age in the summer of 1991 , Richard is one of the youngest players to complete their first century of Palace appearances .
8 The course consisted mainly of volunteers for ‘ hostilities only ’ , most of which were only 18 years of age .
9 However , the under 20 age group includes 18–19-year-old mothers whose children , under conditions of relatively low levels of overall infant mortality , have about the same low , or even lower , risk of dying during the first year of life as those born to women in the age group 25–29 years and face a much lower risk than those born to mothers below 18 years of age .
10 He also noted that books by John Buchan , his wife 's grandfather , were always best-sellers at the sale , and that several of J.B. 's rarer books , including Sir Quixote of the Moors , a novel written and published when he was only 17 years of age , would be on sale this year .
11 She had engaged a young girl , only fourteen years of age , called Maria , brought to her by the caretaker of the house , and vouched for as ‘ good and obedient ’ .
12 She had taken that step ; and now she , at only 36 years of age , had to bring up her children alone , and help them in their turn to make that large and difficult step .
13 She is a teacher of primary school kids and decides , probably rightly , that these two English boys are really only ten years of age and should be treated as such .
14 Patients below 65 years of age count as one prescribing unit and those aged 65 and above count as three .
15 Research shows that buyers of this type of vehicle are heavily weighted towards the 35–54 age group ( 65% of sales ) compared with only 11% below 34 years of age .
16 Mature students below thirty years of age obtained significantly better degree results than the student population as a whole .
17 Being only eighteen years of age and relatively unversed in matters of state , Queen Victoria was much influenced by the Prime Minister , Viscount Melbourne , who held that office from 1835 to 1851 .
18 Ileana , who leads the battalion , is a young woman , only 20 years of age .
19 While the early Waltz-Caprices , composed when Reger was only 19 years of age and a student at the Wiesbaden Conservatory , are evidently modelled on the numerous dance sets by Brahms ( yet another of the composer 's musical heroes ) , they amount to much more than blatant pastiche .
20 Reverting to the eighteenth century , in December 1783 , King George III selected William Pitt the Younger as Prime Minister when he was only twenty-four years of age , and he remained in office throughout the troublesome years of the French Revolution which lasted from 1787 to 1799 .
21 His elder daughter , heir to the throne , was just twenty-five years of age and was on a trip , with her husband , Prince Philip , to Kenya , so they hurried back to London .
22 Mice are weaned at approximately 3 weeks of age and should be removed from the breeding cage before the birth of the subsequent litter .
23 ‘ You are , I believe , on your own — and you not twelve years of age ! ’
24 On the Friday Daley Thompson successfully beat off the German challenge and retained his decathlon crown , and Roger Black , just twenty years of age , added not only a European title to his Commonwealth gold but a new British record as well .
25 But like in the statement she said he was erm a , original statement she said he was approximately thirty years of age .
26 The death of William IV occurred in 1837 , by which time Victoria was just eighteen years of age and , therefore , able to be crowned Queen .
27 For the prospect of a retirement pension for all those presently under fifty years of age is looking distinctly forlorn we must protect the pension rights of all contributing members we must insist that trustees are elected from the shop floor and not appointed by some faceless director who may not even reside in this country .
28 The great majority of the elderly living alone are women and this proportion increases with age from 79 per cent of those under 70 years of age to 86 per cent of those aged 80 or more ( Table 5.3 ) .
29 Full Open Driving cover for drivers over 25 and under 70 years of age with a full licence for 12 months .
30 Children under 2 years of age are fully covered by the insurance when travelling with an insured person .
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