Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to her feet " in BNC.

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1 She slowly got to her feet , her eyes wide with fear .
2 She suddenly rose to her feet , pushing her chair back and reaching for her bag .
3 ‘ I know what you mean , doctor , and no ; no , he has n't , but- ’ She suddenly sprang to her feet and was standing rigid .
4 And as she spoke , Mrs Denham , in the garden below , suddenly leaped to her feet , and started gathering up her things ; they could not catch what she was saying , but she seemed faintly agitated , and Martin too got to his feet , though not with any movement that could be described as a leap , and appeared to offer , though ineffectively , to help with his baby .
5 Donna finally got to her feet and wandered outside , glancing up at the board , noticing that her train was due in about five minutes .
6 She was already rising to her feet when Gerard the butler taped on the door before opening it .
7 Maggie quickly rose to her feet .
8 Rosie at once scrambled to her feet , the marbles she had in her lap dropping and clattering over the polished wood floors .
9 ‘ These plates are cold , ’ said Patrick Milligan senior , looking up from his place and staring down the table at his five-year-old daughter , who at once scrambled to her feet .
10 Roza — I had learned to call her by this affectionate diminutive — at once sprang to her feet : ‘ Husband come .
11 And then , as her dazed mind finally absorbed the fact that it really was Ross , and not a figment of her overheated imagination , she quickly jumped to her feet and ran swiftly across the floor towards him .
12 Jessamy shakily got to her feet , took a couple of very deep breaths , then stubbornly went over to the door .
13 She was afraid , and nearly scrambled to her feet .
14 Lindsey smiled as she also rose to her feet .
15 She glanced at her watch and immediately got to her feet .
16 She immediately sprang to her feet and shouted at the top of her voice : ‘ HEY HAL .
17 Rosie immediately leapt to her feet , growling .
18 She stumbled over the words , muttered and blushed , her duplicity and stupidity so abundantly clear to her that she was surprised that the charming young woman did not immediately leap to her feet , denounce her as an impostor and throw her out onto the street again .
19 She pondered his words then got to her feet .
20 ‘ You do what you want , Mike , ’ she snapped then got to her feet and strode to the door .
21 Jessica got to her knees , holding herself and snorting , then staggered to her feet and ran down to the water .
22 Staggering slightly , she eventually lurched to her feet .
23 She hurriedly got to her feet .
24 He stood up , but Alyssia hurriedly got to her feet , walking across to him and urgently gripping his arm with her hand .
25 Before she actually rose to her feet , Jonadab spoke again .
26 Paige nimbly rose to her feet .
27 This movement , as Rufus had no doubt intended , sent Mary toppling forward into Adam 's arms , her breasts lightly slapping into his chest in a way that would have been blissful if it had been allowed to continue but Mary , drunk as she was , had sprung aside , actually sprung to her feet , and rather late in the day hugged her arms across her chest .
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