Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] responsibility for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The national Church does not entirely escape responsibility for this situation ; within living memory the bishop of one major see let it be known that he would not be available to officiate at services on Good Friday since he had to start the boat race at his old school .
2 This arrangement can be mathematical once the play is under way ; a conductor or driver may soon assume responsibility for matching passengers to seats and the children will encounter problems of too many , not enough , empty , etc .
3 Every effort is made to ensure prices are accurate and goods available , but best can not take responsibility for either .
4 Every effort is made to ensure prices are accurate and goods available , but best can not take responsibility for either .
5 On both occasions his injuries led to enforced absences during which Pateman generously assumed responsibility for much of the District 's administrative work .
6 The state thus assumed responsibility for deaf education but , as we shall see , its advance had a chequered history .
7 The contract army thus extended responsibility for military recruitment very widely through society , and the many knights who brought a handful of men-at-arms and archers were as important an element in the make-up of the contract army as the retainers of the magnate himself .
8 The Northamptonshire Enterprise Agency Ltd can not accept responsibility for any inconvenience arising from errors or alterations , however caused .
10 KPMG on behalf of itself and all other member firms of KPMG does not accept responsibility for any information contained herein and disclaims all liability to any person or entity arising out of or in connection with such information .
11 KPMG on behalf of itself and all other members of KPMG does not accept responsibility for any information contained herein and disclaims all liability to any person or entity arising out of or in connection with such information .
12 These directors were usually given responsibility for all aspects of quality except medical quality , which was left to the initiatives of the Royal Colleges ( see , for instance , RCGP 1985 ; Campling et al.
13 Even when our bodies give us very clear signals that something is wrong , we will hardly ever take responsibility for any problems that we may incur .
14 The board will usually have responsibility for long-term strategic planning , for example concerning investment in new production facilities and products , merging or making a bid for another company , closing down existing plants or pulling out of unprofitable markets .
15 Sparc Technology 's brief also covers responsibility for third party distribution rights .
16 STB 's brief also covers responsibility for third party distribution rights .
17 Similarly , with the state lacking means of its own to regulate the conduct of business by its subjects overseas it was convenient to delegate this function to the great trading companies , which also assumed responsibility for general colonial administration .
18 We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees or agents and suppliers while acting within the scope of or in the course of their employment , agency or contract of supply and we also accept responsibility for any deficiencies in the services we are contractually obliged to provide or for any failure of such services to reach a reasonable standard save , in each case that :
19 Administration at local authority level also took responsibility for public consultation about major changes in school organization , for trade union relationships and for detailed arrangements relating to transport , admission procedures , school records , statistics and public relations .
20 This board dropped ‘ Unemployment ’ from its title in 1940 when it also took responsibility for supplementary pensions from local authorities ( Wilson 1948:97 — 8 ) .
21 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
22 Both demands are further complicated by the embedding of this large enterprise in an institution , and across faculties and departments , which also have responsibility for non-modular work .
23 a splendid initiative and it 's similar to the way in which the district council is now devolving responsibility for public toilets , and I 'm delighted that local government reorganization has been given a bit of stir that districts and county councils to get their acts together .
24 Even at the time it seemed to me that it was pointless to be vindictive or even to allot responsibility for such happenings .
25 You could n't take responsibility for living bodies , blood that can flow , nerves that can actually feel .
26 They readily admitted responsibility for that evening 's aborted robbery ( by destruction of meters ) at Thistle Street during the preceding months .
27 A commission headed by President Ramsewak Shankar then assumed responsibility for direct negotiations and had talks with Brunswijk and the Tucayana on March 2-3 .
28 I 'll gladly accept responsibility for this single mistake , although the essence of the paragraph was not lost because of it .
29 When a brownie adopts a house he happily takes responsibility for many household tasks , which he performs at night .
30 The Western World has the economic control over demand and should therefore take responsibility for endangered species .
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