Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] levels of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Liberal Democrat leader , Paddy Ashdown , has called for fifty pence rise in petrol prices to be phased in to cut levels of carbon dioxide emissions .
2 Where one particular elite ( or elite coalition ) has a stranglehold on political power , it is common to find increased governmental inertia , conservative leadership , networks of nepotism and patronage , and generally rising levels of corruption , as some observers suggested was true ofthe French Fifth Republic between 1958 and 1981 , and may still be true of contemporary Italy .
3 As he has been discovering , the issues which excite New Yorkers are not rising levels of crime , poverty and the deteriorating quality of life .
4 Honduras has not experienced levels of upheaval and violence comparable to Guatemala and El Salvador in the 1980s .
5 By the early nineteenth century some areas and classes had already achieved levels of survival not enjoyed by the country as a whole until about 1900 .
6 In a letter to members , the Assistant Masters and Mistresses Association warns against schemes ‘ with no guarantee of adequate resources ; which may blur the process of professional development with the identification of alleged weaknesses for disciplinary purposes ; and which may be used as a crude and inequitable process for relating salary rates to arbitrarily judged levels of performance ’ .
7 In other words , provided that the liquidity trap is not reached and that investment remains sufficiently responsive to interest rate reductions , falling prices could conceivably establish levels of expenditure and real income which correspond to their full employment values , E * ; and Y * ; respectively .
8 We found some workers who deliberately controlled levels of output and some who did not ; we found varied social mechanisms for controlling output .
9 Miss Christine Murphy , a spokeswoman for the Public Health Laboratory Service - a Government-funded but independent organisation which also monitors levels of illness — said : ‘ This year 's virus is a sub-type of a strain we have seen before and many of the cases are not severe .
10 Miss Christine Murphy , a spokeswoman for the Public Health Laboratory Service - a Government-funded but independent organisation which also monitors levels of illness — said : ‘ This year 's virus is a sub-type of a strain we have seen before and many of the cases are not severe .
11 Robert Thomson , the union 's Scottish secretary , said the three north-east parliamentary constituencies — Kincardine and Deeside , Gordon and Banff and Buchan — were among the top five throughout the whole of Britain with the fastest rising levels of unemployment .
12 Much dissatisfaction was expressed to the House of Lords Select Committee about the open-ended nature of the HLCA system in the UK but it is very clearly available to MAFF to fix limits on payments and to more properly define levels of payment linked to the severity of natural handicap .
13 The old standards of nursing management having superior status to clinical nurses are gradually phasing themselves out , and certainly in the future you will not have to move away from the bedside solely to boost levels of pay .
14 It is in Africa and India that one can still find patients ravaged by the late complications of syphilis , gonorrhoea , and lymphogranuloma venereum , and any hopes of eventually controlling levels of infection will almost certainly depend on paramedical or ‘ barefoot ’ doctors ’ playing a larger role .
15 The distinction , nonetheless , needs to be made , so that the aim of Procedure Audit is properly understood , ie to identify levels of disorder within procedures .
16 The study showed that children in the UK " regularly experience levels of pollution that … have been shown to cause damage in other countries " , said Read .
17 Importantly they also adversely affect levels of amenity in both residential and commercial areas .
18 For example , let us consider how we would set about studying levels of violence in residential establishments for children .
19 For example , changes in the rate of taxation of company profits , or in the capital allowances which can be set against tax , are believed by many to significantly affect levels of investment .
20 Within these cultures workers are assessing one another and their capacity to reach informally agreed levels of production .
21 Section 5.4 is also interesting because the problem it raises cuts across the boundaries of linguistically defined levels of analysis .
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