Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to use [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm a car owner who 's actually thinking of selling my car because I do n't use it much in Glasgow I do n't need to , I can actually walk to work and to come to somewhere like Edinburgh tonight I would much prefer to use the train , but I think we could have much more adequal plans to do with pedestrianizing city centres so that cars were banned from them altogether , they could bring back trams which are much less in terms of pollution , they might not make us big profits for the company 's but they are a very good way , we , a lot of European cities still use trams .
2 If he only wants to use a part-pack , the operator pulls the lever to suck neat chemical into the transparent tube .
3 He said he had only offered to use the truncheon as a sex aid but desisted when she shook her head .
4 You 're maki making a an assumption that they 're obviously going to use a scale of
5 Already it has a licence arrangement with object maven Hyperdesk Corp and apparently intends to use the Object Management Group 's Object Request Broker .
6 Already it has a license arrangement with object maven Hyperdesk Corp and apparently intends to use the Object Management Group 's Object Request Broker .
7 As a branch museum of the County service , schools are warmly invited to use the museum and education room .
8 We th , do then have a toner , but you do n't necessarily have to use the toner because you 've used to water to cleanse off the cleanser .
9 It does not necessarily help to use a panel interview for selection purposes if the members are also inexperienced .
10 ‘ For your information , I 've still got most of my own teeth and only have to use a walking frame when it 's damp and my arthritis starts giving me gyp .
11 You only need to use the part of the box in which the eggs stand .
12 You only need to use the information that is suitable or relevant to that particular essay .
13 If you do not want to use a pelmet , curtain rails and poles can also provide great visual variety .
14 Rosa in the chapel with her head bent over her hands , her legs stiff from kneeling , thought , We will go away together , somewhere different from here , to Africa , he said , he wanted to go there , and I will take care of him , we are like each other , we are both … and she hunted for the word because she did not want to use the word ‘ misfit ’ , and found ‘ changeling ’ .
15 It is not intended to use the system for multiple pitch gradings .
16 Those entitled to free legal aid in special Children Act proceedings will not need to use the scheme .
17 Private cars are not permitted to use the access road and indeed can not cross via the pedestrian ferry , but in summer months a minibus takes visitors from the ferry to the lighthouse , a service not operating to a timetable and needing to be confirmed by advance enquiry .
18 ‘ Anyway , we are not permitted to use the names of living members of the Royal Family in this way .
19 Project Universe is due to end in 1985 , but there are moves to have the whole scheme extended , perhaps to researchers who just want to use the network to do day-to-day work .
20 Oh , she just refuses to use the po-po .
21 If he was hanging in a slaughterhouse , then might they not choose to use the implements of the slaughterer on him ?
22 But already plans to use the substance have stirred up controversy .
23 There are certain associates , who 're not going to use a rate book , there 's associates who er , because you 're doing a two appointment sale , will always have time to come back to the office and get a computer quote and go back with the right answer .
24 Aye you 're , aye you 're not going to use a lot .
25 But Mr Abu Sharif said on US television that Mr Bush had already agreed to use a satellite in the search , and thanked both the President and Mr Carter .
26 Six multinational companies , among them Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co , Motorola Inc and Honeywell Inc , already agreed to use the services .
27 SCHOOL reports to Ulster parents this term will not have to use the Government 's controversial new levels of attainment system , principals said today .
28 Even if the Government and Opposition spokesmen are wedded to the idea of having King 's Cross as an interchange for the channel tunnel , they do not have to use the scheme proposed in the Bill .
29 *If you do not wish to use the Canal Bus Pass included in your holiday with the Walking Tour Dfl 12.50 will be added ( payable locally ) .
30 Do not attempt to use the harness on a run as it is difficult to control the gusts .
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