Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] degree [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To achieve these goals usually entails a much higher degree of centralization and a much more interventionist role for the government in focusing national resources .
2 Buchanan is arguing that because of environmental pressures , and particularly because of changes in management technology and the need for flexibility , high performance requires organizations to combine flatter structures with a much higher degree of worker control .
3 Older pupils , who are still being taught in a more ‘ traditional ’ way , demonstrate a much higher degree of dependency upon Rick in their maths lessons than do younger pupils who are involved in the new curriculum .
4 Extrapolation based upon a mathematical formula has the appearance of a much greater degree of precision and has been used by a number of workers in Britain , e.g.Jones ( 1924 ) and Brown ( 1952 ) .
5 Blake also realised that , although horses have an extensive body language as well , there was still a much greater degree of communication between horses , and between himself and horses , than could be explained by sounds and signs .
6 What is new is the much greater degree of sophistication which is now necessary to produce the maximum revenue yield from each and every InterCity journey .
7 Outsiders could not hope to participate in the learned debates on comparative anatomy at the great museums , but field naturalists relied on local amateurs for specimens and surveys , thus ensuring a much greater degree of interaction .
8 Other movements in symphonies and chamber music may have a much greater degree of completeness in their melodies , especially slow movements and dance pieces such as minuets and scherzos .
9 The latter pavements , admittedly , share a number of features which , together , indicate a much greater degree of affinity : similar acanthus scroll and arrangement of designs at Stonesfield and Woodchester , or the almost identical styles of the animals at Woodchester and Barton Farm .
10 On the whole they feel such predictions are not justified and , indeed , the evidence is of a much greater degree of fitness and independence than is generally acknowledged .
11 Where human life is at stake , a much greater degree of certainty is required .
12 It is hoped an Ada version of ANDF will allow government , defence and corporate procurers to exercise a much greater degree of control over their suppliers , by enabling them to separate hardware and software purchasing considerations .
13 Praxis argues ANDF will eventually allow government , defence and other large information technology procurers to exercise a much greater degree of control over their suppliers , by separating hardware and software purchasing considerations .
14 It seems to have been the case that attempts to defend their interests by knitters , wool and cotton workers met with a much greater degree of hostility from masters and magistrates than did those made by urban artisans .
15 Under the system of primogeniture it will be known from childhood that one sibling will be privileged over all the rest ; by contrast partible inheritance requires a much greater degree of co-operation between siblings in adult life , especially if they inherit land or a firm which provides them with a common livelihood .
16 There are many reasons for this , two important ones being the generally greater degree of government intervention in society and the increased predominance of foreign and military affairs in a century that has seen two world wars and the development of nuclear weapons .
17 Butler believes that there is a further principle of our nature , conscience , which has a still higher degree of authority , and which will judge between all the lower levels of our being , including self love and benevolence .
18 The international trend is towards an ever greater degree of devolution ; here the tendency has been to centralise , and the issues of autonomy , which most locals want are confused with the mechanics of finance .
19 The new frontiers opened up by the development of the sciences through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have taken them far beyond the model of the machine and revealed a far greater degree of randomness and unpredictability in the fundamental structure of the universe .
20 Thereafter Edward III , having learned some valuable political lessons , was able to develop a far greater degree of co-operation with his people , in particular with the fighting nobility , a spirit fostered by the two outstanding victories won at Crécy and Poitiers .
21 Early this year they announced that they had found the 17 keV neutrino again , with a far greater degree of sensitivity than any previous experiment .
22 But the principal argument he produced in favour of ruling indirectly was not that Indirect Rule provided the perfect instrument of intelligent conservation , but that it created the possibility of exercising over the native a far greater degree of control than could be achieved if he were ruled directly .
23 They must comply with a far greater degree of control ( and restrictions ) .
24 Does this mean that McDonald 's does n't achieve higher margins , or does it reflect an even larger degree of undervaluation of these currencies , or other factors ?
25 In results reported last summer ( New Scientist , vol 95 , p WS ) , their data confirmed quantum mechanics to within an even higher degree of accuracy than previous experiments .
26 An even greater degree of bone loss has been demonstrated for the kestrel ( Yalden & Yalden , 1985 ) .
27 The pollen record for the Neolithic period into the Bronze Age , approximately 4000 to 1500 BC , shows an even greater degree of woodland clearance with more extensive areas of grassland and some places tumbling down to scrub and waste .
28 He postulated that the brittleness of cast iron resulted from its even greater degree of impurity .
29 Nearly a century and a half later Alexander II might have been forgiven for feeling an even greater degree of disappointment .
30 The direction of subjects ' lateral eye movements has been correlated with EEG alpha activity , consistent left movers showing a relatively greater degree of alpha activity ( Bakan and Svorad , 1969 ) .
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