Example sentences of "[adv] [adj -er] level [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
2 This is no longer necessary ; fear for one 's personal safety is a much lower level of alarm .
3 Without such basic knowledge , you might gain some small insight into the sport , but at a much lower level of appreciation than if you had done some reading in advance .
4 Optimal scaffolding is that which promotes the highest level of functioning with the minimal level of support ; a child who is having difficulty in making herself understood may require a great deal of support ; a few minutes later that same child dealing with a different topic may become relatively fluent and require a much lower level of adult participation .
5 This is a much lower level of use than either Edinburgh or Glasgow , but in view of the standard of service observed on this occasion , it is impossible to say whether this usage figure represents lower demand , or merely laxity in control .
6 I shall start by considering in section 4.3 some variables which are characteristic of Belfast English , but which seem to function at a somewhat higher level of generality than those that we have mentioned so far — as identity markers for the community as a whole rather than for internal differentiation within it .
7 The Act provides a much higher level of protection for investors , including improved monitoring , and compensation arrangements through the Investors ' Compensation Scheme , since August 1988 .
8 Over-expression of Oct-1 decreased the level of expression driven by the HPV 16 motif whilst having no effect on the much higher level of expression driven by the HPV 6 motif and the extent of repression observed was dependent upon the degree of over-expression of Oct-1 ( Figure 6 ) .
9 It 's a mighty brew , and it 's a sound which could well carry them to a much higher level of success , if that 's what they want .
10 So we get two things , we get a very good new personality , and secondly , an intelligent personality , and , therefore , and this is an important part of the strategy , she gets out of the other archaeologists she 's talking to a much higher level of interaction and intellectual interchange than she would if she were simply a standard presenter .
11 Management and leadership training and experience for NCOs and officers , new skills training for everyone , and a very much higher level of fitness than that of the average civilian are benefits of their voluntary service .
12 Some years ago in Britain ( 1960-75 ) there was a period of a much higher level of obesity in babies when the general view was that ‘ you can not overfeed a baby ’ .
13 We strongly feel that the implementation of sound information policies will lead to improvements in efficiency , and hence to cost savings , whilst supporting a much higher level of research within the organization .
14 Questions could be asked about the so-called Maidenhead factor , which relates to the apparently higher level of affluence of the population that is likely to be affected by a flood than elsewhere in the United Kingdom .
15 British Social Attitudes , The Eighth Report , recently published by Dartmouth Publishing Company , shows that homeowners have a much greater level of satisfaction than those who rent .
16 But it is clear that the data collected in close investigations of live speech communities are much richer than the data preserved from early language states , and they are observable in a larger number of dimensions and at a much finer level of detail ; thus , the patterns revealed in systematic investigations of live communities appear to the observer as much more variable and multidimensional than historical patterns ( as these are usually reported ) .
17 The industry is comparing the biggest boom it ever had — the peak in 1989-90 — with today 's admittedly lower level of activity .
18 None the less , some things do seem clear : the unlikelihood of more baby booms , except for weaker echoes of the present one , and a generally lower level of fertility .
19 Although , as we have noted , women are much less likely than men to select back variants of /a/ , this generally lower level of use does not prevent individual women from varying their realization of /a/ , within the female norms , according to their social network structure .
20 The reason why we consider it important to have a specialist day care centre for sufferers of dementia is because of the following areas which can cause tremendous problems in a " NORMAL " situation but the specialist unit will be trained to respond in a very positive way : a Mood changes b Individual capabilities c Higher level of care required for the moderate to severely demented clients d Creates a greater depth of security through familiarity and able to get to know the client e Positive attitudes towards dementia f Clients with a severe dementia may require 2 carers g Greater stimulation in the appropriate surroundings creates greater awareness in the home environment h A place where the clients can be " NORMAL " i Helps reduce the possibility of the clients becoming apathetic Time to spend with a group and work at their own pace k Not creating a ghetto but creating a positive environment where they can get the most out of their lives — improve their quality of life I Gives them confidence m On-going deterioration can be catered for , eg feeding , toileting and many other problems The specialist day care centre is only a part of a flexible range of services available to dementia sufferers in the community .
21 In this case he was carrying the task of soul renovation up to an altogether dizzier level of risk and aspiration than had hitherto been attempted .
22 Now , if , if a child sends a distress call to a certain level of intensity , it may get a certain amount back , but it may have a sibling who sends the distress call a slightly higher level of intensity and might get some more back .
23 Reviewing McBride , Eliot quoted from that writer 's conclusion that , given proper education of mind and body , ‘ the next generation may start at a very slightly higher level of capacity than their fathers ’ .
24 The share of total energy usage accounted for by nuclear power will rise from 4% to 7% , a far lower level of increase than might have been achieved but for the Three Mile Island incident .
25 With computer analysis it can also reach a far higher level of sophistication than can be achieved by hand methods .
26 It is generally agreed that retail investors need a far higher level of supervision because of their lack of knowledge and because of the severe consequences of loss .
27 But if we can get the same information for an even lower level of risk , then that is really what people should do .
28 To provide an even higher level of protection for our customers we will double the amount payable on death after an accident , if both husband and wife die as the result of the same accident .
29 ( 4 ) The third defendant concealed from the plaintiffs what is said to have been a false and fraudulent over-valuation of the bakery made in June 1983 by another of the alleged conspirators in order to support an even higher level of loan by B.M.T. ( 5 ) On 24 June 1983 B.M.T. offered to lend C.M.C. £420,000 on the security of the bakery in substitution for its previous offer to lend £185,500 .
30 On an even higher level of importance , the Habsburg representative at the Teschen peace negotiations with Prussia in 1779 , Count Philip Cobenzl , owed his position to the accident of his cousin Ludwig , Maria Theresa 's first choice , being crippled by gout when the time came to set out .
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