Example sentences of "[adv] [be] argue [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Today , in light of the obligations of Article 102 of the United Nations Charter , it could perhaps be argued that each member State has constructive notice of the treaty obligations of all other members and therefore must be deemed to have notice of any restrictions upon treaty-making power .
2 For example , it can not be argued that poor women resorted to abortion because doctors withheld information about other birth control methods .
3 Fraud appears to have increased rather than decreased , and it can not be argued that this is merely a matter of greater success in detection , as many of the frauds only come to light when investors find that they are unable to obtain their funds ( or the directors of the institution are found to be in sunny climes abroad , with little intention of returning to the UK ) .
4 Since it is generally agreed that intelligence has a genetic component , can it not be argued that social inequality has a biological basis ?
5 However , as is indicated elsewhere in this chapter and in Chapter 6 , it can still be argued that private ownership of the means of production is the basis of economic power and wealth , and that the labour market is still the prime determinant of wage levels .
6 However , it could still be argued that biological inequalities , no matter how small , provide the foundation upon which structures of social inequality are built .
7 It will further be argued that initial teacher training can not be treated as separate from other areas of teacher education and that changes in any one sector will inevitably influence all teacher education provision , initial , probation support and in-service and that in the light of this interdependence , strategies should be established for a coordinated response across the spectrum of teacher education provision .
8 It can also be argued that all pension and retirement benefits schemes should be fully subject to sex discrimination law .
9 It can also be argued that other candidates for possible exclusion are those who are unfit for work for one reason or another .
10 It may also be argued that Roman military advances effectively changed the artistic map of Italy .
11 It may also be argued that some limits to growth , which Hirsch ( 1977 ) called ‘ social limits ’ , are already operating .
12 It might also be argued that this provision of free sterile needles might even encourage some drug users to experiment or continue with intravenous use .
13 It could also be argued that this would help to build up a body of men with substantial diplomatic experience from which the diplomats of the future might be drawn .
14 If a virus had begun to affect people who put crosses against Conservative candidates in general elections , I would presumably be arguing that this proved how immoral it was to vote Tory , but I hope nobody would believe me .
15 Indeed it may even be argued that many more of Rolle 's English texts were written specifically for her .
16 There was in fact retaliation in any case , and it might even be argued that this silence on the part of the radio — which everyone knew to be under government control — actually encouraged angry Luos to believe that a Kikuyu conspiracy existed within the Government .
17 More than that : it might even be argued that any attempt to " prove " the irreducibility of spatio-temporal relations already presupposes , rather than helps to vindicate , the basic principles of a pluralist ontology .
18 Yet , on the other hand , it could just as well be argued that many people may be called Balak , and " king of Moab " specifies which one is meant .
19 It can indeed be argued that this has always been so , in pre-market as in market conditions .
20 It can therefore be argued that biological differences become biological inequalities only to the extent that they are defined as such .
21 It could certainly be argued that those values and attitudes — fairness , change without violence , deference for order — marked the discussions both preceding and following the 1944 Act .
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