Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] at least " in BNC.

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1 It must be pointed out that we had already hoped to make at least £1000 at the Annual Reunion so this means a bigger and better Christmas Fayre and a rise in the cost of tickets .
2 It is hard to believe that Thucydides when he wrote these words had not lived to see at least the Spartan Thibron 's Asian expedition of 400 .
3 He also justified the £90,000 initial payment made to Mr Michels : ‘ When a plc — and one widely understood to have at least some problems — needs to attract a high-flier from a perfectly secure position with another plc , a joining fee of this sort is not in the least unusual . ’
4 The BNP was also expected to take at least 28 of the 30 reserved seats for women , to be elected by the Jatiya Sangsad in April .
5 Write a short essay on reciprocal dumping because define what reciprocal dumping is you 've also got to give at least one example of reciprocal dumping , right , so you do n't have to give any detailed examples just erm E E C waste er food policy in these days reciprocal dumping would be subsidized after exports in order for America to sell its few exports it has to so it is best subsidised definition define what it is give application of concept erm if the concept involves measurement , say how it , how it can be measured say an effective protection trade , er say how it could , how it could be measured
6 Jupiter is now known to have at least sixteen satellites , though the remainder are much smaller than the Galileans .
7 All schools using the project are strongly encouraged to have at least one staff member attend a day long training course to provide background information and to familiarise teachers with the technique of pupil led discussion groups , which are an important feature of the project .
8 And this is why any new owner is strongly advised to have at least a safety inspection of the system carried out immediately on moving in .
9 In Piagetian terms they assimilated the language to what they knew , yet managed to preserve at least part of the meaning .
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