Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [art] big [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well not disappointed that they 'd picked up Marvin Cox because obviously they 're going to need a very strong side if they 're going to win anything so erm you know , with guys like Marvin around , then it 's got to be a good idea , you know , they 've obviously made a big jump there to grab someone they think 's going to make a difference .
2 If you ask me , I reckon we 've all made a big change for the better .
3 Murnin is still on crutches after the much publicised incident involving controversial Crusaders star Kirk Hunter — but he has already forgiven the big man for the tackle which finished his career .
4 ‘ It was a good effort in any case because Niodini , who finished fourth , has already won a big race at Doncaster this week . ’
5 They had just done a big concert at the Albert Hall with an orchestra for an album called Snowgoose .
6 I 've just seen a big crane .
7 America , which has not had a big oil spill since 1976 , is reacting collectively and predictably to the spill in Prince William Sound off Alaska by condemning the oil business and all its works .
8 we 've not got a big room
9 Novell Inc has finally produced the big restructuring that it has been planning and ( sort of ) denying for so long and which led to the departure of Tony Scrivens as UK managing director .
10 A week after the World Cup debacle in Norway , Taylor desperately needed a big win and an upbeat performance to boost his position .
11 I 've just got a big case full of paperwork to do when I get
12 But the crucial thing he had n't told us was that his girlfriend was one of the operators involved in the ring , and he 'd just had a big row with her .
13 General Howard had meanwhile reached the Big Hole on 10th August and resumed his pursuit three days later , after watching his Bannock scouts mutilate the Nez Perce dead .
14 It is very strange that the slimmer we get the more critical we become of our body , often exclaiming , ‘ but I 've still got a big waist/tummy/hips/bottom ! ’
15 and it a it had happened to of slipped away at that time and I went to step off , and , with it not being blown up properly that 's how it just flattened and I went off sid I 've still got a big bruise on my left knee !
16 But faith has always played a big part in the game , and in France they have often made things happen simply by believing .
17 Broadcasting has always played a big part in our lives , and still does .
18 Suicide has always played a big role in Greenland .
19 I had always wanted a big family , and we were fortunate enough to be allowed to adopt another little girl .
20 Fifty five nurseries have also reported a big trade in bulbs from the wild , although they have avoided participating in it .
21 Much of this year 's spurt in capital spending ( up from around $150m to some $220m ) is related to airbags , but the speciality chemical businesses have also seen a big increase , spread over a number of small projects .
22 But the South West Water Authority or whatever they 're called erm also made a big profit did n't they ?
23 You 've also built a big wall around your house .
24 Snooker celebrities Alex ‘ Hurricane ’ Higgins and Dennis Taylor swapped their cues for clubs , while top soap stars Clive Horby — Jack Sugden in Emmerdale Farm — and Mike Byatt — Brookside shop owner Mike Dixon — also proved a big hit on the fairways .
25 erm er which has really made a big difference .
26 Foreign investment banks have so far made a big chunk of their profits from earning high interest on the 10 billion won ( $12.6m ) they must deposit to do business .
27 He had n't got a big selection but I went down er I was going to use stocks .
28 Because you have n't got a big prick ? ’
29 All credit to them they know they have n't got a big guy apart from Ormanroyd as an outlet player so they 're prepared to be patient and build up and pass the ball al pass their way through .
30 Wilkinson was in no doubt how his team had benefited : ‘ The fact I was able to work so hard with them has definitely made a big difference and helped improve my back four .
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