Example sentences of "[adv] [det] form of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , courts would in practice normally set a new payments schedule , allowing repossession ( or perhaps some form of money sanction instead ) if the new schedule was not kept up .
2 William was only 34 when his last child was born , while his father had been 43 ; perhaps some form of contraception did account for William and Mary Ann stopping short at those four children ?
3 It 's only another form of love . ’
4 Certainly ‘ death 's other kingdom ’ ( my italics ) suggests that the speakers ' inane life is only another form of death .
5 As a result , record labels and publishers are trying to get together some form of code of ethics on sampling .
6 However , in the latter city , building costs were almost as high as those of London , so some form of subsidy was necessary .
7 Before long another form of combat came to the attention of the world 's martial arts population .
8 Gastroenterologists , therefore , have a responsibility to review their results to show whether or not this form of surveillance is effective .
9 Nevertheless some form of indicator of performance must be laid down beforehand or progress can not reasonably be assessed later .
10 This stress on intelligibility is a useful corrective to the widespread current assumption — for which Foucault himself is also partly responsible — that history is just another form of interpretation .
11 Seeing ourselves as less important than anyone else , or less worthy or deserving than others , is just another form of arrogance , disguised as humility or neurosis .
12 ‘ Is there any legislation or codes of practice covering circular letters of this kind , which are effectively just another form of advertising ? ’
13 Moreover this form of regulation is closely associated with the emergence of new institutional machinery such as quangos , and regulatory agencies , which are not easily assimilated into orthodox public law concepts .
14 Quantitative scores may be more appropriate for research purposes , for evaluating the effectiveness of different forms of therapy , for screening large numbers of children , and for identifying whether or not a particular child is experiencing difficulties which warrant further assessment and possibly some form of placement or remediation .
15 This is seen as using RDS as a data channel of very limited capacity in conjunction with a speech synthesis chip or possibly some form of printer in the car ( it could provide automatic translation when travelling abroad ) as a means of sending ‘ traffic telegrams ’ to cars without interrupting the radio programmes .
16 The victims are people who stand between him and the desired goal , usually some form of power , and who must be set aside , disbarred , or killed .
17 From that time there is hardly any form of diet that has not been recommended , such as carbohydrate diet ( fruit , purée of potatoes or tomatoes ) , beef steak cure , milk diet ( 2–2.5 l/day ) .
18 The same act could be both this form of manslaughter and reckless manslaughter .
19 She had suggested that they look at Van Gogh together , setting up another form of repetition , deliberate , contrived and aesthetic .
20 The substance inside is probably some form of resin to stop the rattle from being dented too easily .
21 Anyone who has recently taken up some form of exercise will tell that it has brought them enhanced mental energy and concentration , the ability to sleep more deeply and a feeling of well-being .
22 If you spend most of your working day sitting down , then you are urged to take up some form of exercise .
23 You should take up some form of exercise . ’
24 For a brief moment she tried to summon up some form of resistance , as if by an effort of will she could deny her immediate instinctive reaction to his dark enchantment .
25 Nobody took much notice of them or expected them to start up any form of conversation , so Charles was surprised when Eric addressed him by name .
26 A corresponding survey , carried out in Sweden in 1981 , found that orientation courses had only been evaluated in 8 libraries of 34 , one-third of the libraries had evaluated courses in manual information retrieval and about half the libraries with courses in computerized information retrieval had carried out some form of evaluation .
27 Yes sir , the , you 'll recall that carrying out this re this particular review to finalise the er fire safety review and members have accepted the recommendations from that in which sought to ignore that although we have an limited number of specialists inspecting officers that we widened the remit of all employees in the Fire and Rescue Service so that all er operational fire fighters carried out some form of inspection , thereby producing a higher work output than before .
28 1992 ) , almost every DHA had met with GPs either individually or in small groups ; three-quarters had held general meetings in addition and two-thirds had carried out some form of survey .
29 It is believed that all but two committees have carried out some form of investigation based on information provided in the 1991 series of reports .
30 Such lending ( generally up to two years ) can be unsecured but often some form of security , i.e. collateral , is demanded such as legal ownership of all or some of the exporter 's business assets .
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