Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] short time " in BNC.

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1 The fiery blast killed everyone on deck instantly , with the single exception of the captain , who lived on for a short time before becoming unconscious and falling overboard .
2 It is at the larva stage of their development when boring and feeding of the grubs takes place that the damage is caused because the adult beetles do not eat and they live only for a short time .
3 Mungo could not explain why but he felt a sense of release at being out of the village , if only for a short time .
4 Some diets are not successful at all but some are , even if only for a short time .
5 These mines were frequently tiny operations , perhaps run by families which might work an area only for a short time .
6 However he remained with the Wellington unit only for a short time before being posted to Control Office duties at Luqa .
7 ‘ That was the only time we kept something from her and even then it was only for a short time , ’ says Mike .
8 His new civility did not last , but , as Daisy Yates remarked one day in the following week , it had been pleasant not to have such a right little God Almighty in Cas. , if only for a short time .
9 But … but , as Mama said , as long as we kept it clean and it was only for a short time
10 Well , of course this option must be open , but the needs of the women who choose to stay at home , if only for a short time , can not be ignored .
11 Er making yourself feel good even if it 's only for a short time .
12 She had guessed it would look better — more disarming — not to be carrying a bag ; as if she expected to be out only for a short time .
13 According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle A ( s.a. 755 ) Beornred succeeded to the kingdom on the death of Aethelbald but held it only for a short time and unhappily .
14 Because we knew that the headmaster of the Scuola Medie Inferiori , where I was now in my last year , was not in a position to punish us if we did not appear for lessons on demonstration days , many of us took part only for a short time and then went home .
15 Many children come into care only for a short time while their parents try to sort out their difficulties .
16 I had n't had any kind of pain relief — well , there was n't time ! — but the pain , although very intense , was only for a short time , so it was easy for me to bear .
17 Freedom , if only for a short time , and she would have a chance to speak to Rose , whom she had not seen since their evening out together up West .
18 Too much packed in to a short time .
19 Nevertheless the national curriculum in maths , science and English was introduced in 1989 and the teachers have complained bitterly of the short time available for training and of the meagre resources devoted to it — £47.5 million for training in content and £33.1 million for preparing teachers for the new tests and assessment .
20 It might well give her a better perspective on things if she could get right away for a short time .
21 In this way a carcass can draw vultures from far away in a short time .
22 Accordingly , instead of the war being over in a short time — as was thought by many — it became literally bogged down in trench warfare never previously experienced .
23 The other residents are mainly visiting academics , often very senior members of their own universities , from many countries , any academic discipline , and are staying in the college usually for a short time .
24 You scoff at me and my ‘ one ’ man friend , you who have so many , but dear girl I have learnt more in the short time of my friendship with Edward , more of the world , of men as distinct from women , and man as an individual than in all my life I have learnt before .
25 The philosophy is devastatingly simple , Charlton recognising that he can not hope to improve players technically in the short time available to him before matches .
26 One pauper was locked up for a short time and when let out he was very quiet and all of them have been so since . ’
27 Experience tells us that many people who take up jogging , cycling , and other aerobic routines often sustain injuries , or simply give up after a short time .
28 I had no doubt they 'd turn up within a short time , so I went off duty .
29 ‘ For instance , the man who , up to a short time ago , was chosen to select films from the West for showing in Slovakia , and to attend festivals like Cannes and Venice , was a butcher by trade .
30 The Government have offered the excuse that that happened under a Labour Government in 1977 , as if it was right to continue to do something that was done once before for a short time .
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