Example sentences of "[pron] close [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In so far as any rules had been devised in the past , the principle seems to have been to give power to someone close to the throne , and invested therefore with some of the aura of royalty .
2 ‘ I had n't heard about Doug but in a case of murder , nobody close to the victim gets overlooked . ’
3 Any impression of calm and harmony is down to the fact that everyone close to the band has obviously passed the Krypton Factor -sponsored How To Tolerate Courtney test .
4 Looking to our right we recognised the Cottages with the road in front of them close to the ditch ; also our Professor 's stable , coach-house and dog kennels , with the back entrance from the road to his garden … we were soon in King 's Road [ Pancras Way ] which we found to be well studded with trees on each side … to our left the Country residence of Counsellor Agar [ builder of Agar 's Town ] … we turned to the right and first took notice of the front of our Professor 's house with its large garden protected from the pathway and road by a brick wall .
5 The Fanatics are the real weapon , the Mob is just a means of deploying them close to the enemy lines .
6 The rearrangement of the kit has pushed me close to the side , and just above my face the fabric cracks and bangs in the wind .
7 The picture that emerges , at least as a possibility , is of something close to the idea of a constitutional monarch , a king whose power was substantially restricted by the overwhelming spiritual , political and economic power of the priesthood .
8 Today many live on something close to the Church 's minimum stipend of £12,200 a year and their accommodation is more likely to be in the council semi mould .
9 And you had one close to the City Council , one is very close to the St Edward School one , was that for deliberate reasons .
10 Sprays produced by taps and showers also produce fine aerosols and here the person at risk is one close to the source of aerosol production .
11 Screw two screw-eyes to the underside of the batten to correspond with the two rows of vertical rings , and a third one close to the end of the batten on the operational side .
12 ‘ The nearest courses to Crossgar are Downpatrick and Ringdufferin , both about six miles away , so the need for one close to the town was obvious , ’ he adds .
13 Maureen had borrowed a wheelchair for her mother and wheeled her close to the altar to see Anne and John married , then drove her home until the Nuptial Mass was over .
14 The last one is based on the popular song O du lieber Augustin and its exaggerations ( knowing ‘ how far to go too far ’ in Cocteau 's famous phrase ) bring it close to the kind of waltz parody found in the Valses bourgeoises by Lord Berners ( Unicorn-Kanchana , 1/79 — sadly now deleted ) .
15 GUIL : We played it close to the chest of course .
16 The culture industry does retain a trace of something better in those features which bring it close to the circus , in the self-justifying and nonsensical skill of riders , acrobats and clowns , in the ‘ defense and justification of physical as against intellectual art ’ ( Wedekind ) .
17 So , if you do want a pendant light , fit it close to the window to ensure privacy .
18 Carefully she drew it out through the folds of the eiderdown and held it close to the flame of the nightlight .
19 She remodelled it with careful fingers , then held it close to the flame .
20 Eddie had cut away most of his thin nondescript hair , cropping it close to the skull , and she had also cut back the hair on his forehead , giving him a pronounced widow 's peak .
21 Slowly raise the dumb-bell vertically as high as possible without jerking or rocking , keeping it close to the body .
22 One-arm dumb-bell rowing — slowly raise the dumb-bell without jerking or rocking , keeping it close to the body
23 That means working it close to the ground , sweeping it backwards and forwards through overlapping arcs .
24 Slowly pull the barbell upwards , keeping it close to the stomach and chest until it is just underneath the chin and the elbows are pointing upwards .
25 ‘ For a man who tries to earn a few bucks selling information to the Press , you friend plays 'em close to the chest . ’
26 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
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