Example sentences of "[pron] realise with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Someone — I realised with a start — was in The Fat Controller 's caravan .
2 Because her only defence was to turn him against her , she realised with a pang of sorrow .
3 She had n't actually intended to go in , but the window display caught her eye and , without thinking , she wandered in , to look , certainly not to buy , until she realised with a pang of guilt , as she gazed at the racks of colourful fashions , that everything in her wardrobe must be hopelessly out of date .
4 There was even , she realised with a sense of unreality , a fountain playing in the pool at the centre of the design .
5 Telling Dane about her past had removed a massive weight from her shoulders , she realised with a sense of wonder and gratitude .
6 He could n't have been more than five years old , she realised with a sense of shock .
7 She realised with a shock what a mystery her children were to her , and what a mystery she must seem to them .
8 She realised with a shock that , while waiting for the disaster she believed was inevitable , she had been holding her breath .
9 Folly sat up ; then clutched the sheet to her as she realised with a shock that she was naked .
10 But then the near triumphant feeling of satisfaction quickly changed to one of horror , as she realised with a cry that the co-ordination of her limbs was n't what it should be , and she found herself falling heavily and clumsily into the basin of chill water below .
11 She was fanning her cheeks desultorily when she realised with a start that they were pulling off the road and Niall was bringing the car to a halt .
12 Her mother so seldom asked her for anything , she realised with a jolt .
13 She had no idea of Roman 's feelings towards her , she realised with a jolt of despair .
14 Her accusation in front of her family had made him coldly furious , she realised with a jolt .
15 His slow smile lit up his eyes , and again she realised with a jolt that behind his severe exterior he could be quite attractive .
16 And therein lay the extent of his gratitude , she realised with a feeling of despondency , but to disguise her feelings she added brightly , ‘ When we 're at the hospital we must visit Stella . ’
17 Clad in an old black leotard and leggings , now fairly well daubed with paint , and with her mane of hair hidden beneath a scarlet bandana , she did n't exactly look like a decorator , she realised with a giggle as she caught sight of her own reflection in the hall mirror on the way to the kitchen , but she 'd discovered at an early stage of the game just how much bending , stretching and crouching was involved and so had decided she might as well be comfortable while she did it .
18 He realised with a sense of desperation that he would have to be twice as cunning as his wife if he was to recover that which she had taken from him .
19 He realised with a shock that he was nervous — as nervous as a randy adolescent on a hot date — and likely to be about as subtle !
20 He realised with a flash of almost ludicrous detachment that the hand that was trying to grasp him was now fully formed , and was the one that he had cut the fingers off when slamming the steel door .
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