Example sentences of "[pron] cut [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yes and during the winter holidays I cut er cut the articles and I now , I , you can see the articles I cut during the holidays .
2 I cut through the alley at the end of the Cours and wandered into the Café du Coin , the crucible of Reine les Falaises and once a place well known to Montaine .
3 And I tell you another thing I noticed , I cut through the car park in the lane behind Shirley 's one day this week , I went through and and the back door of the old police station 's open .
4 In fact I broadcast that material , but I cut it into three programmes , and I , I cut in the questions I would have asked if he 'd actually given me a chance to ask them .
5 He had ideas which cut through the mass of tradition and very dull detail which hung around materials work everywhere but unfortunately nobody took them very seriously .
6 The village was lit by a swathe of sunlight which cut through the morning mist .
7 Jaq had learned all this during his training in the headquarters of the Inquisition , that labyrinth many contorted thousands of kilometres in extent which cut through the bed-rock deep beneath the massive concealing ice-cap of Earth 's south polar continent .
8 Of the three floors and the basement , Carson had all of the ground level and what had once been the garage on the side of the house , now a second bedroom which was reached by a slightly awkward twisting passage which cut under the stairway .
9 As I strolled down the next fairway and skirted a mass of heather which cut into the fairway on the angle of the dogleg , I wondered how my boss , Jack Mason , would fare in the tournament .
10 Dismissing all but a single guard who was burdened with a lantern on a pole , he began to lead them by the bridges and passageways which cut across the streets in a way which was arguably more direct and certainly less likely to be barred by persistent celebrants .
11 It was a development taking place outside the immediate purview of the great all-European social strata and , to some extent , establishing the sinews of economic life which cut across the areas of dynastic concern .
12 Cross-class interests form the potential basis of cleavages which cut across the exploiter — exploited dichotomy of classical Marxism .
13 The view ahead was obscured by a section of partially completed walling at the east end , but when he reached the comer Zen fount that the only unpredictable feature of the landscape was a river which cut across the track about a hundred metres further on .
14 The third element , the presence or absence of which cuts across the manuscript relationships , is a short passage influenced by the teaching of St Augustine on charity which occurs in some , but not all of the manuscripts in Scale 1 , chapter seventy .
15 The proposal to harmonize VAT rates is one which cuts across the UK 's wish to cling to its fiscal sovereignty .
16 In either case , a new social division arises in the village which cuts across the class antagonisms of the former occupational community .
17 This contrasts with Derrida 's view of différance which cuts across the distinction between diachrony and synchrony by including a temporal as well as a spatial dimension : elements are seen as part of a chain of relationships which can not be de fined as either diachronic or synchronic and so can not be reduced to the status of an object in the way that synchronically defined structures can .
18 A GAS pipeline which cuts across the Cheshire Show field has hindered preparations for the event .
19 A GAS pipeline which cuts across the Cheshire Show field has hindered preparations for the event .
20 Take the right hand path which cuts over the shoulder of Sail Liath and drops down to Shenavall , near the head of Loch na Sealga .
21 Mrs Thatcher sees nothing in the single market which cuts against the grain of her policies over the past decade , since it should promote the free enterprise culture within the EC .
22 Policewoman Tanya Cook said : ‘ Somebody cut through the padlock to the kennels in the middle of the night .
23 The , did they have a piece and you cut off the bottom ?
24 The handsets , there are the cream handsets and the grey handsets , there are no differences that are worth noting as far as performance-wise , but the grey handset has , I do n't know if you 've noticed , a mute button , okay , so that you can have a conversation , and press the mute button , and you cut off the person at the other end .
25 Low-voltage lights are a good idea as you wo n't get an electric shock from them , even if you cut through the cable when digging .
26 She 's used to louts , thugs , layabouts — it 's her job : she cuts off the bits that Society does n't like and paints over the scars .
27 So then she cut through the dining room and into the lounge , where she found him sitting in front of the big Sony TV .
28 Mrs Appleby nodded as she cut into the pork pie .
29 If you can get it off in one piece , so much the better ; if you can not , pull the centre far enough away from the wall to allow you to cut through the board with a padsaw or jig saw , and free each half separately .
30 We cut through the crap that exists in ski teaching . ’
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