Example sentences of "[pron] claim that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The author cited psychological books , which claimed that black people were intellectually inferior on average to white people : ‘ Read The Inequality of Man by H.J. Eysenck , Professor of Psychology at the University of London for the facts here . ’
2 Rivalry persisted through the 1860s and '70s and in 1881 Gaze produced a pamphlet which claimed that certain companies were apt to ‘ monopolise powers which are the property of all Tourist Agents , and in the development of which we ourselves have borne so important a part ’ .
3 The two HDUR deputies refused to endorse the report which claimed that 4,000 Romanians had been driven to leave the area in that time .
4 This ultimatum [ see also p. 38403 ] came in the wake of reports which claimed that Iraqi troops were being massed around Kirkuk .
5 The report has drawn angry reactions from mining organizations , which claim that environmental improvements are under way in many sectors .
6 This is a view shared by the Educational Publishers ' Council which claims that independent schools spend twice as much as state schools on books and equipment per pupil .
7 Alice Heim was beginning her work on creativity in which she claimed that verbal reasoning tests ignored vital aspects of child potential .
8 Mrs Proetta , 50 , was the central figure in an ITV documentary in which she claimed that three IRA terrorists there were shot dead in cold blood by the SAS in 1988 .
9 architect issued penultimate and final certificates which were unpaid by employer who claimed that certain work was defective .
10 It would be a bold person who claimed that these channels and mechanisms , comprehensive as they are , provide a guarantee of reliability in all contingencies .
11 In this respect it is in agreement with those theorists who claim that social psychology should be an historical discipline .
12 The details of the comparative method are a little sketchy , but she claims that Melanesian practice is very similar .
13 She claims that two years later pupils began taunting her about her weight both in the playground and the classroom which reduced her to tears .
14 The Stirlingshire farmer who claims that toxic emissions were responsible for him having to destroy his entire dairy herd was told in court today that he and his wife were to blame .
15 This sceptic is a hard-nosed person who claims that most people allow themselves to be persuaded by what is really rather weak evidence , but that he needs more than that to convince him .
16 ( 10 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars ( 11 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars and it 's possible that there is no life on Mars ( 12 ) It 's possible that there 's life on Mars , and in fact it is now certain that there is Now from this set of dilemmas the notion of implicature offers a way out , for it allows one to claim that natural language expressions do tend to have simple , stable and unitary senses ( in many cases anyway ) , but that this stable semantic core of en has an unstable , context-specific pragmatic overlay — namely a set of implicatures .
17 They claim that better language proficiency occurs when integrative motivation is prominent .
18 They claim that other problems are more urgent .
19 They claim that female psychologists have something special to contribute by virtue of their sex , and they often see work done by women as feminist simply because women do it .
20 They claim that this learning operates throughout life , and emphasize how early it starts : ‘ the little girl is praised and encouraged to exploit her cuteness .
21 They claim that this age is far worse than previous ages , and they go on as though they had learned nothing at all from history — and yet history is the great teacher of life ( magistra vitae ) .
22 They claim that large numbers of those who are diagnosed as food-intolerant are actually hyperventilators .
23 He claimed that capitalist society was polarizing ‘ into two great hostile camps , into two great classes directly facing each other : Bourgeoisie and Proletariat ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 222 ) .
24 Driesch went on to isolate other fragments of the sea-urchin embryo and he claimed that each fragment , or combination of fragments , no matter how they were arranged , gave rise to a small but normal embryo .
25 He claimed that such irregularities invalidated the order and that it should accordingly be set aside .
26 And yesterday he claimed that former England captain Gary — never even booked in his career — was SOPPY .
27 His employment , and the creation of a deputy batteur de musique [ sic ] , permits us with difficulty to understand what M. Devismes meant to say when , in sacking Guenin , first violin , he claimed that extraordinary authority [ une force extraordinaire ] was necessary to direct [ diriger ] the orchestra .
28 Professor Fei Xiaotong of Beijing University was the chairman of the biggest Democratic party called the Democratic Alliance and he claimed that this party represented the interests of intellectuals and especially intellectuals involved in teaching ( Chan 1989 : 83 ) .
29 He claimed that this amount did have significant effects on the person 's capacity to remember ( though presumably it did not cause them to remember their past experiences as yeast cells ! ) .
30 He claimed that 85,000 people had used the range over a two-year period and that outdoor sport was acceptable on green belt land .
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