Example sentences of "[pron] claim a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Pro-independence demonstrations were ruthlessly suppressed , notably that of 1 March 1919 , which claimed a million demonstrators .
2 Even in those denominations which claim a Christian orthodoxy , I have often found that the Devil is a formal proposition only .
3 Third , for any checklist which claims a developmental sequence , the larger the ‘ developmental space ’ between items , the less the checklist will discriminate levels of linguistic ability , and the less accurate it will be .
4 Sun , which claims an installed base of some 2,000 machines in Ireland , has had an operation up and running for three years .
5 If in any given case the land in dispute is unbuilt land and the squatter is aware that the owner , while having no present use for it , has a purpose in mind for its use in the future , the court is likely to require very clear evidence before it can be satisfied that the squatter who claims a possessory title has not only established factual possession of the land , but also the requisite intention to exclude the world at large , including the owner with the paper title , so far as is reasonably practicable and so far as the processes of the law will allow .
6 In 1926 , on any economic criterion , they still had a long way to go , when , pacified by the placebos of the previous year , they claimed a moral victory , and vanished into the archives of oblivion .
7 They are planning a new national NHS information service for patients , and they claim a new system will allow complaints to be answered .
8 They claim a new chicane is turning the road into a racetrack , and they now want it replaced with traffic humps .
9 They claim a private surveillance team was engaged by one newspaper to follow them , events and quotes attributed to them in stories were made up , and their family and friends were harassed and their privacy invaded .
10 He claimed a new report on the future of police funding had been suppressed because Mr Clarke did not like its findings .
11 He claimed a British TV cameraman had distracted him during the second run , ruining his concentration and his chances of a top-three finish .
12 And he claimed an alleged member of the notorious Shankill butcher gang was also employed by the same company in Belfast .
13 And another common feature is that each separate country , each state , claims sovereignty that is it claims a legal equality erm within the international order .
14 Special software running on the workstation parallelises C-based programs using Parix , ACE compilers and the Inmos C Toolset compiler — it claims a tenfold performance increase over the T805 .
15 He claims a new form of scallop farming , due to begin soon in Loch Crinan in Argyll , extends the principle of landlordism into the sea and must be opposed .
16 He claims a simple quality for his companions in these crazy adventures , and in the Bedu whom he admires most of all .
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