Example sentences of "[pron] talk for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Or again , considering ( 4 ) , there is no fixed length for turns in conversation , and sometimes one participant holds the floor for some time ; yet although we might call a turn of four minutes part of a conversation , we would consider conversation to have ceased if someone talked for an hour and a half .
2 I think I talk for the whole of when I say this , erm , the disgusting way that Borough Council are doing grass cutting .
3 I listened at length to her story , then I talked for a moment about the unshakeable fact of the resurrection , about the city where God will wipe away every tear .
4 Nothing gives so bad an impression to the other members of the committee and to the officers present than a member who talks without having read his agenda papers , or who has missed an earlier meeting where the matter was fully discussed or who talks for the sake of talking on every subject .
5 We talked for a while about the hunt — she wanted to know how much meat we 'd eaten , what the men had talked about — and then she said she had to go and graze the cows .
6 We talked for a while in English , grateful for the ease of communication .
7 We talked for a while , catching up on our movements since we 'd last been neighbours six months earlier , in November .
8 We talked for a while , and then my parents , surprisingly tactfully , murmured things about shopping and left me and Anna sitting at the little round table , under the blue umbrella .
9 ‘ And we talked for a while . ’
10 This steered them away , as I had meant it to , and they talked for a while longer , then fell silent , enjoying the warmth and the view .
11 They talked for a while about London and about the alterations which Topaz was making at Stone Towers .
12 They talked for a while longer before Coffin put down the receiver and returned to look out of the window .
13 She and Marcus looked at me , she shrugged and they talked for a while .
14 ‘ You 've asked enough to keep me talking for a month .
15 He talked for an hour .
16 If I want to talk personally with my father about something and am admitted to him , he talks for an hour about something or other and then the time of the talk is over and I have not been able to say what I had wanted to say .
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