Example sentences of "[pron] suggest [conj] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nor am I suggesting that these strategies are in fact used by professional translators in any significant way ; one has to acknowledge that , in spite of being available in theory , they are in fact rarely used in practice .
2 Not for a moment am I suggesting that these figures , always in billions , are not important ; only that I , an innumerate , can not make head or tail of them .
3 I suggest that these meanings arise from everyday discourse , which habitually makes use of oppositions such as masculinity/femininity , science/arts — oppositions which make sense only in relation to each other .
4 Can I suggest that those members of the General Purposes Committee who are going to look at that area anyway , also have a look at the me the problems of , of this bank side , which is actually collapsing , er due to the weight of , of people .
5 We have cultural stereotypes which suggest that such occasions are difficult for us , potentially embarrassing , because we do not know the appropriate responses .
6 Which suggests that both bands would benefit from being afforded the time and backing needed to develop , without being under too much pressure to sign a deal .
7 Schutz emphasized how typifications are related to the ‘ purpose at hand ’ , which suggests that some typifications will be universal ( ‘ mother ’ , ‘ father ’ ) and others more restricted depending upon how general is the purpose of their use .
8 Non-sufferers regard incontinence as more handicapping than do sufferers , which suggests that these figures are no exaggeration .
9 This goes against the general trend of the rest of the survey ( which suggests that these groups are less well informed and less accurately informed about credit ) .
10 A further point which suggests that these provisions , if not actually written in his reign , were in any event written not long after his death is the fact that the medrese attached to the mosque of Bayezid II in Edirne , completed in 893/1488 and of higher rank than the Sahn , would almost certainly have received some mention in any such provisions written subsequent to that date .
11 It has a chunk bout war and racism which suggests that these things are bad , a chunk about love and God , which is generally in favour of them , and a third chunk about life , also in favour .
12 In one study , female rats selected carbohydrate-fat mixtures , while male rats selected protein-fat mixtures , which suggests that these choices may be purely physiological .
13 The number of mononuclear phagocytes is high at the site of inflammation , which suggests that these cells participate in the pathogenesis and resolution of the tissue damage by releasing enzymes or generating toxic oxygen metabolites .
14 yeah , I see that , I see that , are , are you suggesting that those provisions in the members agents , managering agents agreements that the type of all those agents call upon your clients are void or valid ?
15 The Cadbury report itself suggested that these changes should be voluntary .
16 As the same alanine and glycine codons are present at these positions in both human and bovine cDNA sequences and because the human gene , where analysed ( data not shown ) , has the same intron/exon boundaries , we suggest that these conclusions are applicable to the GGF gene structure and to the mRNA splicing patterns in both species .
17 Furthermore , they suggest that some researchers who have reported correlations between emotional support and health in the absence of life events might in fact be picking up a correlation between chronic strain and support .
18 Some emphasise fibrosis as the dominant feature , but Goulston and McGovern indicate that contraction and hypertrophy of the muscularis mucosae are the essential features of stricture formation , and they suggest that these lesions are reversible .
19 Someone said that they had heard him suggest that all guests should be breathalysed at the door , for Rush had the reputation locally for being a more than usually dedicated policeman .
20 They suggested that any objections should be sent to our County Councillor immediately as there is a meeting arranged for next Tuesday to decide whether or not to close the court .
21 Thirdly , Gardner et al , in their case-control study of leukaemia and lymphoma diagnosed during 1950–85 among young people in West Cumbria , concluded that the excess occurred among children whose fathers had high levels of exposure to radiation before the child was conceived , and perhaps particularly in the preceding six months ; they suggested that some cases were the result of paternal germ cell mutations , and that this could explain the excess in this geographical area .
22 He suggests that such tendencies occur here as an overcompensation for the closed consciousness or ‘ dual narcissism , to which Fanon attributes the depersonalization of colonial man ; that ‘ it is as it Fanon is fearful of his most radical insights ’ ( p. xx ) .
23 He suggested that these proposals were contrary to the public interest and to justice .
24 He suggested that these fields are moulded by the form and behaviour of past organisms of the same species through direct connections across both space and time , a process he calls ‘ morphic resonance ’ .
25 It suggested that all countries had strong mutual interests in providing growing markets for each others ' products , in security of supplies and in a more stable monetary system .
26 It suggested that some polytechnics and colleges should be given complete autonomy by the Secretary of State to validate their own courses ; others should be allowed more limited autonomy , in specific areas ; while in yet others external validation should remain .
27 In addition , it suggested that more courses should be developed that related directly to the world of work , and had titles informative to employers .
28 The underlying motive here ( although the word ‘ motive ’ is misleading since it suggests that such strategies are not genetically driven but are a product of conscious strategy ) is again ‘ the selfish gene ’ and its reproductive success .
29 Indeed , to speak of interests at all provokes confusion , for it suggests that these interests pre-exist the determination of the question where liabilities ought to be created according to distributive principles .
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