Example sentences of "[pron] live with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I lived with a man for 10 years .
2 ‘ For two years I lived with a girl named Susan , who I wrote ‘ Medicine Bottle ’ ( 'Down Colorful Hill ’ 's harrowing stand-out ) about , ’ he says , circuitously explaining the next album .
3 For me , I did they because I lived with an artist .
4 Someone living with the patient may be able to remind them of these points .
5 How could I live with a child who might be born alright but who may have gone blind , or worse , later on ?
6 In between travel trips Wilcock ran into a woman at a party who lived with an artist manqué , Walter Bowart .
7 But the other grandfather in the same family , an old Ulsterman , who lived with an aunt , still spent much of his day with his former workmates .
8 It never occurred to me that my mother would die , and it was a profound shock when she did , After a year or so my father left the Army and remarried a Highland lass who seemed to adore me , but did not seem to take to my sister who lived with an aunt .
9 The spark of poetry was kindled in him by an elderly woman who lived with the family and was full of tales of witches and warlocks .
10 They were really much more than just bike rides , for Granny , who lived with the family , had told her the story of St. George and given her books about Brownies , and Brenda rode along the country lanes make-believing she was the knight riding to rescue the princess from the dragon .
11 His son , who lived with the family , died in Darlington Memorial Hospital late on Sunday night .
12 His grandmother , who lived with the family , was a diabetic and later had noticed her tablets had been interfered with .
13 It was probably here , too , that he first encountered Paul Odo Cross , the wealthy ex-ballet dancer who lived with the plant photographer , Angus Wilson , at Tidcombe Manor in Wiltshire , where they created a marvellous garden and influenced Cedric Morris with their growing and breeding of irises .
14 But you did get your keep you see th you , you more , you usually , usually you lived with the family .
15 I was told that before she got married and gone into farming she lived with a great-aunt and enjoyed a good meal every day .
16 She lived with the child and her father stayed with them from time to time in the flat on the north side of Glasgow .
17 He is refused hospitality by the rich village priest , who lives with a concubine .
18 As do higher-order animals , as anyone who lives with a cat or a dog will confirm .
19 Did n't she live with a family ?
20 And how does she live with the guilt and isolation she is feeling ?
21 Neighbours who live with a view of the Reenan 's hobby were surpised and angry about the whole episode .
22 Pattie is living proof that if you live with a man , you discover a lot you did n't know when you were just dating him .
23 You live with a man , you look after him , take care of his things , his property , if he has any , like Mamma takes care of Papa , of his clothes , his stomach .
24 ‘ You learn a lot when you live with a liquidator ! ’
25 The tidal fall this morning was around two feet lower than normal — I know this because we live with the tide tables , but most people would n't think of it .
26 Here there is no loneliness for we live with the host of poets and mystic of all ages .
27 In the subsequent experience of the Church in exercising this ministry there have been many instances of failure , partial , delayed and temporary healing , reminding us that we live with the tension of the ‘ now ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Kingdom .
28 They live with a puppy walker for the first two years .
29 It is not the father 's wish or intention to seek the care of the children provided that they live with the mother in Australia .
30 He lived with a farmer at Berkhamsted , Hertfordshire , but in 1785 the farmer died and soon afterwards Peter died too .
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