Example sentences of "[pron] we do [not/n't] want " in BNC.

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1 This simply creates a further imbalance because not only does it increase the calcium level ( which we need ) , but it further increases the phosphorous level as well ( which we do n't want ) .
2 Therefore , one way of shutting off all negative and worrying thoughts , or shutting out any information to which we do n't want to attend , is to create a mild sensation of pain for the brain to be occupied with .
3 my my guess is that by a side wind er can mix all the erm items on the list , terms would include erm maybe committed and maybe not committed expenditure expenditure and that if it does affect because erm there are some items erm in the erm not clear whether it 's committed or not Market Square er which we do n't want to support .
4 yeah , it means he 's getting less hours , so he 'll be getting less money which we do n't want at all at the moment
5 It is because of the universality of the threat to freedom contained in homophobia that it becomes highly important that we try to avoid both the language which dissociates us from sexual acts by others in which we do not want to participate , and the attitudes which that language represents .
6 ‘ They told us the Ukrainian single would have gone to number one and we told them we did not want to be number one .
7 After a while , I told them we did n't want to be treated this way .
8 Asked to do something we do n't want to do , we say ‘ Yes ’ , in the mistaken belief that to say ‘ No ’ will hurt someone .
9 Hyaline membrane disease is something we do n't want . ’
10 er because er her children but erm say that we we did n't want to sort of upset her by erm you know
11 And we we do n't want to make that the end in itself .
12 We we do n't want really is street co-ordinators because
13 erm as many people here know and like them I have worked in a voluntary capacity and one way or another in this theatre for many years and we ca n't do without it we do n't want to see it close or any of those drastic things .
14 Well they can keep it we do n't want it .
15 So far , City Lives has been funded largely by its interviewees , but , Courtney says , ‘ we have not interviewed anyone we did n't want ’ .
16 What we do not want is lessons laid down by law .
17 If we understand a horse 's emotions we are more likely to succeed in getting it to do what we want , and prevent it doing what we do n't want .
18 Now , what we do n't want are detailed particulars of the shop , the salesperson 's home address and physical attributes .
19 what we do n't want is a
20 We see we see this forum as very much the right sort of forum for either making or breaking the case for a new settlement , the one thing I do have to say , however , is that the Department wants to see this particular issue settled in the context of the alteration , and full significance of that is n't immediately apparent , it , what we do n't want to see is what was envisaged in the H B F statement , where they thought that we might end up with a decision to have a new settlement in principle and then leave it open to the local plans , all four of them around the city , to then explore the possible alternative locations .
21 I agree wholeheartedly , with what we were saying , what we do n't want to see is a whole one house block in the countryside , he wants to see it as part of a farmstead and order to prove that it 's going to be part of a farmstead , the buildings should be prerequisite to go up first before the house does .
22 However what we do n't want er our consultants to get in paranoid about if they do n't get that target .
23 I do take on , I do take on one point that the Conservatives have begun to raise to make in their in their motion which what we do n't want is another heavy tier of bur bureaucracy .
24 Well what we do n't want is
25 well we are thin on the ground and limited resources so we do n't want doubling up , that 's what we do n't want , doubling up , but I do n't , I do n't
26 He says that 's just what we do n't want !
27 And what a waste … changing what we do with what we do n't want .
28 What we do n't want to see is our own producers being undercut . ’
29 What we do n't want to see is our own producers being undercut . ’
30 Right , let's sort out here what we do n't want then
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