Example sentences of "[pron] be met [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When I try to use the shared bathroom I am met by the teenage mother — the one with two kids .
2 I was met at the door by the commander of the bodyguard , who introduced me to the domestic staff — the cooks , the maids , the rest of the bodyguard and the gardener .
3 The journey by train from Cambridge to Lincoln was tedious , involving several changes , and on arrival I was met by the usual RAF truck for the half hour 's run into Binbrook village and from there up the steep hill to the RAF Station on its plateau above the low lying plains .
4 He had certainly been paid one by Grunte over and above his salary , which was met by the local Tory Association .
5 In August it was remarked in the Commons that , ‘ Wherever you go now in every constituency you are met by the aged people and their organizations . ’
6 We were met on the platform by an old man with a barrow selling coffee and sandwiches .
7 ( There ) ‘ we were met by the Viscount Walsh ( Chamberlain of the Emperor ) who led us to the apartment of the Baroness de Pierres ( ex Miss Thorne of New York ) who is now a lady-in-waiting to the Empress ’ .
8 We were met by the director and , over several late night drinks , we discussed the big day ahead .
9 The fully robed civic dignitaries walk in procession , led by the sergeant-at-mace , from the town hall in the market square to the cathedral , where they are met by the dean .
10 When the philosopher-agronomists advocated new crops and new methods they were met with the excuse so often given to Cavanilles on his tour of Aragon , ‘ We do as our fathers do . ’
11 They were met at the front door by a delirious spaniel , who clearly had no idea of funeral decorum , and they proceeded into the front room , where Bill Clough switched on a bulging orangey imitation-coal electric fire , and then went to a horrible drinks cabinet — all plastic and flashing lights .
12 She did mind , though , and , as they were met at the emergency entrance with a wheeled stretcher-bed for Faye and a paged message for Tom summoning him to the renal unit to attend urgently to another patient , her concern for Faye 's condition battled for priority in her thoughts with painful images of Marise Wyspianski glowing in the magic aura of Tom 's kiss , and of Tom himself , at the wheel of the Mercedes just moments ago , staring so grimly into the Christmas Eve traffic .
13 At an ensuing press conference , they were met by the African National Congress representative to the United Nations , Tebogo Mafole , who had flown from New York to welcome them .
14 The official thanksgiving , held on 7 September , saw an elaborate civic ritual in London , with the Queen , the Court , and the great officers of state processing through the streets from St James to Temple Bar in great pomp and splendour , where they were met by the Lord Mayor and Aldermen who then escorted the royal cavalcade to St Paul 's .
15 He is met with the hissing of his followers now instead of the huge applause he expected .
16 They 've got to be Coptic , of course , and preferably someone he 's met through the church .
17 On 6 December , as soon as was decently possible , it was conveyed in a funeral wagon to St Stephen 's Cathedral , where it was met by the funeral party and blessed by the priest in a chapel on the north side .
18 He was met on the platform in the early hours of the morning by Minton and Henrietta , both looking very ill and both clutching bottles of whisky .
19 He was met at the airport .
20 He was met by the angry governess , who had waited up late .
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