Example sentences of "[pron] be published in the " in BNC.

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1 Potential investors use others , some of which are published in the national press .
2 Potential investors use others , some of which are published in the national press .
3 Evidence for their complaint was provided by the invaluable 1985 survey by the Gays and Broadcasting Project , the results of which were published in the pamphlet Are We Being Served ? .
4 The titles of some of the books which were published in the golden age of deism well illustrate the terms of the debate : Locke 's The Reasonableness of Christianity ( 1695 ) ; Toland 's Christianity not Mysterious ( 1696 ) ; Collins ' The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion ( 1724 ) ; and , on the other side , Butler 's The Analogy of Religion , Natural and Revealed ( 1736 ) and Dodwell 's Christianity not Founded upon Argument ( 1742 ) .
5 There are sections on Islay in many of the piloting and sailing directions for Scotland , and specialist publications about the geology and the minerals , which were published in the 19th century , none of which tells us about the inhabitants .
6 There are sections on Islay in many of the piloting and sailing directions for Scotland , and specialist publications about the geology and the minerals , which were published in the 19th century , none of which tells us about the inhabitants .
7 He has compiled an illustrated catalogue to accompany the exhibition ( £19.95 hardback , £12.95 paperback ) which is published in the spring .
8 Murray managing director Nick Perren and 13 other members of staff have made their film debuts in a scene which focuses on an editorial meeting to discuss the book jacket of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala 's new novel , Poet and Dancer , which is published in the spring by John Murray .
9 These days , he does The Times and The Listener , which is published in The Sunday Times .
10 In Canto 101 , which was published in the volume Thrones ( 1960 ) we read :
11 In an interview with William Hardcastle on BBC Radio 4 's ‘ The World This Weekend ’ , the text of which was published in the Irish News on 7 October , Craig introduced two themes which were to be repeated over and over during the next few days .
12 Stirling wrote his account of the affair and a refutation which was published in the regimental journal .
13 Kellner pointed out that even in 1970 , when almost all polls predicted a victory for Harold Wilson , one which was published in the Evening Standard on polling day continued interviewing later than the others and detected the late swing to Edward Heath .
14 They then issued a public statement , which was published in the March edition of The Presbytery Bulletin , the Orkney churches ' informal news-sheet .
15 I presume neither Mr Baker nor Mrs Rumbold was aware that for over ten years I had been conducting a campaign to make creative writing a central feature of the English curriculum , and that in October 1983 I helped to organise a manifesto on this subject which was published in the Times Higher Education Supplement .
16 A growing disenchantment with this policy , and with other developments at the museum , including the Turner Prize , reached a climax in an unsigned profile of director Nicholas Serota which was published in The Independent on 28 November 1992 .
17 According to a careful investigation of such matters which was published in the West in the late Brezhnev years , Soviet global influence was at its height in the 1950s , when about 14 per cent of the world 's nations could be described as Soviet-aligned ; by the late 1970s , however , the total had fallen to 12 per cent .
18 This volume also has appended a poem ‘ On the Ruins of St. Austin 's , Canterbury ’ , which was published in the Kentish Gazette of 9 July 1774 and said to have been written sometime after Dixon was seventy-three years old .
19 Although the Utting report , which was published in the summer , made it clear that training was not the central issue in such cases , I am not arguing that professionalism is not important .
20 In any case , I believe Eliot admired the thrillers of the prolific E. Phillips Oppenheim , who was published in the yellow-backed series to which he more than once referred as a possible source of inspiration .
21 It is not known how his interest in electricity developed , but in 1787 two papers by him were published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society .
22 And the TCCB disciplinary committee is due to meet at the weekend to decide whether to increase Lamb 's punishment for the awful crime of failing to get his comments cleared by Lord 's before they were published in the Mirror .
23 This last attraction may have special appeal to the article 's audience , since it was published in the Millwall programme , raising the spectre of the League 's most feared supporters tooled-up on the terraces , humming the William Tell theme instead of ‘ No one likes us . ’
24 The troops who lined the streets at his execution kept the spectators out of earshot , but on the platform were two clerks who took down the King 's last speech in shorthand and , somewhat surprisingly , it was published in the London newspapers .
25 Most prominent among the ‘ South Bank ’ theologians was John Robinson , the Bishop of Southwark , whose book , Honest to God , divided theological opinion when it was published in the early 1960s .
26 The unanimous decision found the UK in breach of Article 10 guaranteeing freedom of expression when it had banned the Observer , Guardian , and Sunday Times newspapers from printing extracts from the book after it was published in the United States in July 1987 .
27 Finally , I revised this material yet again , and it was published in the Longman Linguistics Library as a book entitled Towards a Semantic Description of English ( 1969 ) .
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