Example sentences of "[pron] contribution to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I came to Congress with my contribution to this debate firmly fixed in my own mind , but unsure of the view of the leadership of our union , given the views quoted to them in the press as their own .
2 With the assistance of Dr Viv Edwards ( University of Reading ) , Dr Troyna will be synthesising the main results of these projects and assessing their contribution to current thinking on how educational systems might respond positively and most effectively to the demands of democratic multicultural societies .
3 It effectively removes chlorofluorocarbons ( CFCs ) from the list of active greenhouse gases , since their effect in destroying the ozone layer offsets their contribution to global warming .
4 All experts claim legitimacy for their contribution to public welfare , but this is not , or at least not primarily , a confidence trick played by the professions in pursuit of autonomy and monopoly power .
5 So their contribution to local energy consumption is fairly small .
6 He was co-author of the declaration of Philadelphia of 1945 which set postwar goals for the ILO , and affirmed that economic and financial policies were to be judged by their contribution to social justice .
7 The research was supported by WACC and carried out by the Centre for Artistic and Cultural Research ( ceneca ) with the aim of encouraging TV networks to carry programmes that would improve the quality of young people 's lives and thereby enhance their contribution to national life .
8 But perhaps the key aspect that will appeal to doctors in considering DRGS is their contribution to medical audit .
9 The scientific achievements of the past were crudely evaluated according to their contribution to later knowledge .
10 The cast were mainly non-professionals and I think what 's exciting is their contribution to this film made it the success it is .
11 Little is known of this strikingly beautiful femme-fatale , except that her contribution to early aviation reporting was considerable .
12 Because of economic constraints and the need to achieve cost targets , forestry has become increasingly mechanised so that its contribution to rural employment and local cash flow has been seriously eroded .
13 The European Commission supported community-wide taxes on carbon emissions and phased increases in energy prices for each fossil fuel according to its contribution to global warming , but there was little agreement among ministers , some wanting stronger and some weaker measures .
14 This calls into question US policy in particular , which had argued that its commitment to phase out CFCs would reduce its contribution to global warming by 20 per cent , and which placed a much lower emphasis on the need for CO2 cuts .
15 It is already possible to identify the main characteristics of the School of Aphrodisias , its chronological framework and some aspects of its contribution to ancient sculpture .
16 This has encouraged Cutting ( 1985 ) to argue that schizophrenia represents an imbalance of the brain hemispheres , that is , that the right hemisphere is dysfunctional and its contribution to mental life diminished , while the left hemisphere becomes relatively more active and dominates the right .
17 Suffice it to say that in this field voluntary effort has long played a considerable part and there are signs that it intends to increase its contribution to this field .
18 Given the crucial role that the Manpower Services Commission has played in the undermining of education and the construction of its current occupationalist surrogate , its contribution to this debate deserves close scrutiny .
19 In the period up to the middle 1970s central government steadily increased its contribution to local expenditure .
20 As mentioned in Chapter 1 , education has an important part to play in development , in both its contribution to structural change and to changing values .
21 But is the hallmark of social policy expenditure its contribution to public welfare , and what does this really mean ?
22 Now , Harwell laboratory is best known for its contribution to nuclear research but the scientist there have revealed a secret life .
23 It is these states , bound to the Soviet Union by geography , dependency and military weakness which properly form the ‘ Soviet Empire ’ , and whose contribution to Soviet power we shall now examine .
24 Also , a larger proportion both of text and drawings has been allocated to the countries whose contribution to that style has been most notable , for instance , France in Gothic architecture , Italy in Renaissance designs .
25 I am reminded that when I suggested that the £7 billion of expenditure on the European fighter aircraft might be better spent — it seems dodgy anyhow — or used for civilian aircraft , his contribution to planned change was to suggest that nobody wants single-seater civilian aircraft flying at 750 mph .
26 Out of my 51 working years I spent seven of them with Ira Dilworth and I never had a finer friend to work with ; he was admired by all and his contribution to Canadian broadcasting was tremendous .
27 A century later , however , MacArthur was still given credit in South Africa for his contribution to that country 's economy .
28 MICHAEL Jackson , 34 , is to receive the top Silver Entertainer award in Hollywood next month for his contribution to pop music .
29 It was for his contribution to social reform that he is most remembered .
30 Imprisoned by the Italian fascists for his communist affiliation and activities from 1926 until his death , his contribution to Marxist theory was written inside prison ( Gramsci , 1971 ) .
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