Example sentences of "[pron] shall [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 I shall return in the last part of this book to discuss the realistic potential for both the renewables and conservation in more detail and within a non-nuclear energy policy .
2 This is a point to which I shall return in the concluding chapter .
3 Taking the case of social class as an example of a more general difficulty associated with speaker variables , I shall comment in the following sections in rather less detail on sex and ethnicity .
4 In John 's Gospel , Jesus , when asked to identify the man who will betray him , answers , ‘ It is the one to whom I give the piece of bread that I shall dip in the dish . ’
5 I shall stay in the forest . ’
6 Suddenly Geoffrey said , ‘ I 'm not sure I shall stay in the theatre .
7 He has sought to make a political attack on me , and I shall reply in the same way because the right hon. Gentleman has been highly selective in his summary of the case .
8 As I shall explain in the next section , this earlier privileging of intellect was intimately connected with resistance to nominalism , and , in the seventeenth century nominalism triumphed .
9 It is true that there is virtually no restriction upon the bringing of actions : for instance , I can at this moment sue the Prime Minister for assault — though I shall fail in the action .
10 Some of the implications of this observation , both for my own research and for the dominant disease model of child abuse , I shall discuss in the following section .
11 I shall put in the report must do better !
12 This is the question I shall address in the following chapters .
13 or I shall dwell in the house of the insane for ever .
14 but when I ca n't walk well I shall call in the doctor .
15 These channels make the membrane permeable to ions or molecules , which can then enter the cell and act as signals for the initiation of the biochemical cascades which ultimately lead , in ways that I shall describe in the next chapter , to the synthesis of new synaptic membrane components and hence to synaptic remodelling .
16 The survivors are shown in Figure 5.2 ( along with certain isotopes of H , C and N to which I shall turn in the next section ) .
17 I shall argue in the next chapter that it is part of a teacher 's duties to attempt to redress the balance between children who have and those who have not the advantages of a supportive home .
18 To return to the central question about how the boundaries of special educational provision and therefore of support teaching are to be defined , I shall argue in the remainder of this chapter that although the ‘ individual ’ approach represents what has always traditionally been accepted to be our role , to continue to define our responsibilities in these purely individual terms could have serious consequences , not only for the future of support teaching when we come to evaluate it , but for the development of comprehensive education as a whole .
19 I shall figure in the reports you get . ’
20 And she shall continue in the blood of purification three and thirty days ; she shall touch no hallowed thing , nor come into the sanctuary , until the days of her purification be fulfilled .
21 But if she bear a maid-child , then she shall be unclean two weeks , as in her impurity ; and she shall continue in the blood of purification threescore and six days .
22 As you shall see in the next section , the predominance of hydrogen in Jupiter means that it does not have to have high interior temperatures to be liquid .
23 Its most striking answer in International Relations has been systems theory , which we shall examine in the next chapter .
24 You should also note , in using hedging and qualifying expressions , that they will affect the overall tone or REGISTER of your essay ( as we shall examine in the next chapter ) .
25 ‘ I can not guarantee we shall legislate in the next session since one never can — it is always understood that a final decision is taken nearer the Queen 's speech , ’ Mr Lang said
26 For an ideal transformer we need to introduce a separate notation which we shall choose in the form shown in Fig. 4.10 .
27 ( It is a story which we shall tell in the following chapter . )
28 We shall assume in the discussion which follows that an ideal , well-formed proportional series is open .
29 As we shall show in the later sections , a great deal of the activities of the fans can be understood as symbolic activities in the mode of metonymy .
30 British imperial and industrial success appeared unlimited , but in fact was already being compromised by long-term processes of economic and political change , which we shall outline in the next two sections .
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