Example sentences of "[pron] seemed [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet I seemed at the time to be thinking rationally , to be making common-sense plans .
2 They found it hard to understand what he saw in the boys he now surrounded himself with , some of whom seemed to the girls stupid and callow and bad at drawing .
3 Yet yesterday 's report on the Clapham crash , confirming the picture which emerged throughout the Hidden inquiry , makes an event which seemed at the time totally unexpected look almost inevitable .
4 The only evidence which seemed at the time to offer any reliable dating was that of the coins which were of sufficient interest to the nineteenth-century antiquarians for them to be recorded , although rarely in detail .
5 But after they had finished eating ( which seemed to the travellers to take for ever ) , Goibniu sent the other giants out of the room , because he had important business to discuss .
6 I decided not to , when you seemed against the idea .
7 She seemed on the verge of weeping again , but regained control .
8 She seemed on the verge of tears , somehow , which Edward found both strange and quite exciting .
9 She seemed on the point of making an angry protest , but changed her mind .
10 But then she seemed in the end she she picked it up .
11 I noted the small bunches of flowers laid in the Place de la Concorde in memory of Resistance fighters , and thought how especially fragile and touching they seemed in the immensity of that noble square .
12 Exhausted by infighting , humiliated by his foes , he seemed on the verge of losing his struggle with parliament .
13 Officials said that , had Labour won , there would have been a period of uncertainty , although Mr Kinnock 's policies had changed and he was no longer the frightening prospect he seemed to the US administration a few years ago .
14 Seen in undress , in the vivid fabrics of winter , he was a smaller man than he seemed in the field , despite the broad shoulders and sinewy limbs .
15 With the scum being really lucky getting a draw from a good Norwich side , it seemed on the radio at least that Norwich had at least one decent penalty decision turned down from a spineless and gutless referee .
16 In spite of its attractions , it seemed to the majority of the committee that the scheme would be unsatisfactory .
17 It seemed to the Court that a sentence of 18 months ' imprisonment , suspended , was outside the area of sentences which the judge could reasonably have considered appropriate .
18 It seemed to the Court that the sentencer had used the same mitigating factors twice over ; once to reduce the starting point , and then to justify a further reduction .
19 It seemed to the court that in its current form the civil components of the process of judicial review were so strong that an application which claimed the civil relief authorised by section 21K was to be regarded as a civil cause or matter .
20 The promise was readily given and gratefully received : so small a thing it seemed to the giver and so great to the receiver .
21 At first , it seemed to the village gossips that both couples were happy enough .
22 The Land Campaign , or so it seemed to the Conservatives , threatened to wipe out those gains at a time when the party showed no signs of an electoral recovery elsewhere .
23 It seemed to the hedgehog that there should be more to it than that .
24 Blanche shrugged sympathetically , or so it seemed to the sergeant , as if to say , ‘ I understand .
25 Sally Ward was better able to comfort him than anyone else , yet it seemed to the family that she did little but simply hold his hand .
26 " The Lord preserveth the simple , " came the Padre 's voice , quite aptly , it seemed to the Collector for he considered himself to be a simple man .
27 Writing in the mid-1930s , he was thinking of the huge growth in the power of banks and oligopolies which it seemed beyond the capacity of Parliament to comprehend or to control .
28 With this as the acquired recording , it was exceedingly difficult — or so it seemed at the time — to slip down from the stress-filled beta-waves of everyday living , to those desired alpha-waves of mental quiet and healing .
29 Or so it seemed at the time .
30 It seemed at the time too obvious for extensive formulation , but had they spelt it out it would have amounted to something like 2 .
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