Example sentences of "[pron] saw [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Since I was ten years old I walked about our little town mentally transforming every womon I saw into a man and every man into a womon .
2 ‘ The company had a very cosy club atmosphere , which I found quite difficult to cope with in terms of what I saw as a lack of professionalism . ’
3 I saw on a church bill-board recently the familiar statement , ‘ Wise men still seek Christ ’ .
4 ‘ You remind me of a medieval fresco I saw on a church in Donegal once .
5 Later , I saw by a date in a book that she was not yet eighteen .
6 Although a lifelong Labour voter , influenced by the poverty she saw as a teacher , Mrs Hughes spoke of how Mrs Thatcher ‘ gave me a lovely tour of No 10 and I thought she was such a nice person ’ .
7 And then she saw with a shock that Jan was back .
8 In New Hope Copse she saw at a distance a man holding the hand of a small child , inclining to her the way adults do when walking with little ones , while his free arm swept the air to possess the oaks , the beeches , the ash .
9 I 'd like to see the blue tits come out you know there was a programme on television and you saw inside a box of a blue tit , a nesting box , right inside .
10 This was a book of fables , most of them pointing in the inevitable direction ; the title story told , with some charm , of a little boy who saw from a hillside while out walking a house whose windows were all of gold .
11 How did one saw through a brake cable anyway ?
12 The new emphasis was not universally approved of , purists objecting to what they saw as a tendency for accountants to look a project over and approve or disapprove of it from the beginning .
13 What they saw as a problem , he saw as a challenge .
14 Rose 's coming to the house had smoothed their lives and allowed them to concentrate everything on school and study , which , above all , they saw as a way out of the house and into a life of their own .
15 That is to say , all seized on an element of structural and formal strength in his work , which they saw as a corrective to the formlessness which had characterized so much French painting since the Impressionists had insisted on the validity of an instantaneous form of vision , that had so often dissolved the solidity of the material world into a haze of atmospheric colour and light .
16 The LDP forced it through its committee stages in the House of Representatives — the Lower House of the Diet — on Nov. 27 , thereby causing a brawl to erupt amongst legislators angry over what they saw as a flouting of established procedure .
17 Belgium , France , West Germany , the Netherlands and Luxembourg reached a draft agreement in March 1989 providing for the abolition of their respective border controls by the beginning of January 1990 , in what they saw as a model for the complete abolition of customs posts throughout the EC after 1992 .
18 There were demonstrations in Moldavia ( renamed Moldova ) calling for greater control over local affairs , and in particular for official status for the Moldavian language ; there were counter-demonstrations by the republic 's non-Moldavian population , more than a third of the total , against what they saw as a form of reverse discrimination ( Russian , in the event , was retained as a means of inter-nationality communication ) .
19 Increased immigration militated against the absorption of new arrivals in existing Shetlander networks ; while at the same time it was accompanied by the creation of new networks composed of incomers -incomers found shared interests in what they saw as a frontier zone .
20 Here , following the banner of reform , led by the gentlemen of that most aristocratic Whig Government , led by Lord Grey , Lord Melbourne , Lord John Russell , they saw for a time before them the high road to a better and fairer ordering of society .
21 She took off her hat and laid it on the table , and he saw with a sense of shock that her hair was white down the line of the parting where the tinting had grown out .
22 It was as if two palms had been placed against the frail skin and forced it upwards so that he saw with a shock of premonitory recognition the shine of the skull beneath the skin .
23 This plot gave expression to one of Asimov 's pet hates , ‘ pseudo-science ’ , which he saw as a threat to liberty .
24 The acting he saw as a boy was at the local cinema , popularly known as the ‘ Cach ’ — the ‘ Shithouse ’ .
25 What they saw as a problem , he saw as a challenge .
26 Pilger was disgusted by what he saw as a load of hand-wringing , indecisive amateurs .
27 Sinatra blew his top and accused both Lawfords of covering up what he saw as a vendetta being waged by Bobby against him .
28 In the 1720s , having become disillusioned with what he saw as a decline in the moral and spiritual standards of European culture , he formed the project of founding a college in Bermuda for the sons of English settlers and natives , both from Bermuda and the American mainland .
29 The introduction to medieval and Renaissance literature that appeared some months after his death as The Discarded Image ( 1964 ) , based on the accumulated notes of lectures he had given for decades in Oxford and Cambridge , deals sympathetically with authors who , as he approvingly remarks , quote Homer and Hesiod ‘ as if they were no less to be taken into account than the sacred writers ’ ; and the break in the European spirit he saw as a consequence of the seventeenth-century scientific revolution is magnified here , in a sweeping argument , far beyond the familiar classroom shift from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance .
30 He became more concerned with specialization within a given environment , a process that he saw as a consequence of the struggle between the different inhabitants of that environment .
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