Example sentences of "[pron] 's [been] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 And she 's been away a long time for one of our ships — ever since June .
2 She 's been here a long time , of course , from Father Collins 's days .
3 She 's been here a long time , about ten years .
4 She 's been here a long time , on and off , she knows the place well .
5 She 's been dead a very long time , has n't she ? ’
6 Her mother said : ‘ Those former foster parents , who she 's been once a year to Spain with , they have been able to give her the luxuries that I could not afford to give her . ’
7 There 's been rather a development , ’ said Emma .
8 There 's been quite a loss of momentum lately in my area . ’
9 And er certainly in teaching there 's been quite a big change over the last ten years in the way that people perceive retirement .
10 I should think Sophie will be OK with her — there 's been quite a lot of contact . ’
11 And recently there 's been quite a lot of thin .
12 There 's been quite a lot of comment in the press erm , on high levels of , of salary of , of remu remuneration for directors and I think it might be helpful er , if I was were t were , were to make some general remarks on the background er , of how we er , approach directors ' remuneration .
13 And there 's been quite a bit of success in in that area both of the newspaper companies er , are doing better than last year and er Longmans for instance expect er expect their operating cash flow erm their working capital rather to be lower this year than last year by by year end .
14 Well , there 's been quite a lot of , of , of chat recently that , that erm , because of cross-media ownership erm , companies that are involved in cross-media ownership would have , have problems .
15 Just a few years ago , it was raised from 4p , so there 's been quite a big increase already .
16 There 's been quite a change in the community dentist because we put
17 Not , not a lot at the moment , I do n't think , erm , the end of July erm there was eight hundred and something , but there 's been quite a few bills that have come out of it although that does n't include the two receipts that Maisie has just given me which is about a hundred and eighty , so that 's nearly another two hundred in , but we 're alright , we 're .
18 For example in the health field there 's been quite a lot of research at the Institute and , of course in the field , on the effects of different kinds of health policies .
19 There 's been quite a lot of discussion recently about how many parent governors or parent managers there ought to be in a , in the school system .
20 So they reckon that after about ten minutes if people have n't been involved we have n't thrown out a question or something like that people start thinking about other things and there 's been actually a bit of er analytical research on this that shows that people think about three things after about ten minutes they just switch off .
21 It 's been over a year since Russell kept wicket for his country , and even the England selectors now agree it was a mistake to drop him in the first place .
22 Previously it 's been just a blank sheet of printing paper shut up in a lightproof envelope ; now it has a function , an image , a certainty .
23 Well it 's been there a long time .
24 It 's been there a fortnight and I keep asking everybody if they want to try it .
25 It 's been there a very long time , cos that man was old who asked me , you , you know it was an old man he said that , and I was quite young , he said er , er is that cross still there in , in Chichester , I said yes , it 's still there .
26 " It 's been quite a week .
27 " It 's been quite a day , " she said .
28 It 's been quite a while . ’
29 It 's been quite a day , has n't it ?
30 ‘ Good heavens , I 've got to get back — It 's been quite a lunch , Rob .
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