Example sentences of "[pron] together [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's now about bringing everyone together for the good of British rugby , ’ said the Scot .
2 The graphemes themselves are individual letters or small groups of letters such as " b " , " ou " , and " ght " , and when we can identify these graphemes and then pronounce them together as the sound represented by /bo:t/ ( which rhymes with " port " ) , we can be said to have used the GPC rules .
3 If you closed your eyes you could imagine them together on the promenade , arm-in-arm like they should be , the doctor with a silver-knobbed stick , loving one another in a public place .
4 He did n't know what was happening between Gesner and Suzi any more , had n't seen either of them since the Season began , since that dreadful scene at Willi 's party , but he knew he had to submit himself to yet another bout of torture and watch them together on the stage .
5 Anyone seeing them together on the common outside Oswaldston would have taken them for husband and wife , though Hilary was by nearly three years the younger .
6 They went into the staff-room and grabbed a coffee while they waited for the results , then they studied them together on the lightbox .
7 However , the evidence of the fireman who was on the footplate of the engine that was hauling the express disproved the allegations of the railway company , for he had seen them together on the train after it had arrived at Birmingham New Street Station around 2.30 when the children had waved at him .
8 Get a claim form from your council and return it to them together with the receipt or bill .
9 Add the softened butter and stir well , then place in a serving dish with the sauce and toss them together with the parsley and seasonings until all the ingredients are well mixed .
10 But the workers hope to marry them together with the aid of computer techniques to come up with sets of data ‘ signatures ’ that will indicate deposits far beneath the Earth .
11 Now is the time to begin fitting them together into the jigsaw , to demonstrate a powerful result extending the invisible hand beyond perfect competition to circumstances under which a natural monopoly has an efficient output and pricing structure .
12 For instance , I was able to witness the dogs ' problems first-hand as Melanie muzzled them and brought them together into the living room .
13 Out of the morally serious upper middle-class English air he took empiricism and Idealism , the assumption of pre-determined progress and a belief in benevolent intervention , the general English notions of biological evolution and a Comtean conviction in positive altruism and put them together in the service of a liberal socialist ideal .
14 Their performances have , over the years , given ordinary people a much-needed reason to feel pride in their native city , while binding them together in the sharing of two terrible tragedies .
15 Yes that 's a good idea sit them together in the hall .
16 Another criticism of this study is that the authors only differentiated very generally between first and second generation Asian and Afro-Caribbeans without discussing the implications of mixing them together in the study , potentially masking important differences in the rates of schizophrenia between the two , and leaving an unclear picture as to whether second generation Asians , who were in the minority , benefited in the same way from the postulated protective factors .
17 Lightly clasp your hands I together behind the back of your head .
18 We also found ourselves together in the middle of the LA riots — two days of mayhem without a cop in sight — so I guess that brought us closer together !
19 He had a cow and a calf , so he presumably would have milk , which together with the cheese could supply some protein in his diet .
20 a government supply function of ( narrow ) money which together with the government and foreign sector budget constraints determines also the supply of bonds plus foreign assets .
21 However , with an analogue signal , distortion and noise which are inevitably introduced by the repeater would be amplified by the next one together with the signal itself .
22 He 's coming home tomorrow — And we 'll probably be doing something together in the afternoon .
23 She paused , surprised by the wave of pain and nostalgia that passed through her at the mention of the name , leaving her weak and trembling ; as if the sights , sounds , smells , tastes , feelings , sufferings of years could be experienced again in a single spasm of sickening intensity : the cold cubicle , the rustle of habits and the squeaking of boots as the nuns filed into the chapel , the stink of stew in the refectory ; her first lesson , the children shaking their up-stretched hands , eager to please the new sister ; Hilda , dew-fresh in her white blouse and neatly-pressed gym-slip , shy and ardent in the back row ; Hilda and herself together in the copse , in the chapel , in the cloisters , praying , talking , joking , sharing secrets , confidences …
24 He wrote round to fifteen builders on 22nd March and , with what today would be regarded as incredible naïveté , asked them to meet him together at the Office of Works on 24th March .
25 So no I think er we all stuck it together at the start , not really knowing where it was gon na lead us .
26 Although it is of course true that people can be greatly helped by having the opportunity to talk about their impending loss , ( both their worries about it and their wish to talk about it together with the person who is dying ) this must be when the time feels right for the people involved and not when the helper , professional or lay , deems it appropriate .
27 ‘ Anyway , the printing works and the business associated with it together with the residue of the estate after discharge of all debts and liabilities are left jointly to Beryl and Francis .
28 Put it together with the talk after the first battle , and add to it the understanding of the ark as the throne of God , as the visible guarantee of God 's presence with his people , the symbol of his covenant relationship with them , as their wedding ring , we might say , and you have then something to explain the consternation of Eli and the wife of Phinehas .
29 The old farmer 's daughter had donated it together with the notebook the farmer ( and his father before him ) had kept of his sales and receipts .
30 The car has made it that way and it would be almost impossible for public transport to knit it together in the way that the railways did in the nineteenth century .
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