Example sentences of "[pron] full [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 On Jan. 27 the Pakistan government announced for the first time its full support for the UN peace plan [ see p. 38194 ] and the conference , and called upon the mujaheddin to follow its lead .
2 Vietnam announced its full support for the declaration as did ASEAN 's Western dialogue partners and .
3 Einstein 's famous equation E=mc 2 already existed but its full import for the release of vast energies in radioactivity and other nuclear processes still lay in the future .
4 Watt found great difficulty in working with the Cornish mine captains and obtaining from them full payment for the engines they had built or modified .
5 His full support for the anti-Saddam coalition has not been universally popular : hence his latest diplomatic effort , which he must hope will still redound to his credit and give the Soviet Union a useful base on which to build a role in the post-war Middle East .
6 In an interview with NIN ( 27 December 1987 ) , Professor Smiljković announced his full support for the new political trend in Serbia , and in particular for ‘ differentiation ’ , the rooting out of ‘ opportunism ’ , and the replacement of old cadres by new ones .
7 Kelly , however , moved swiftly to give the beleaguered Taylor his full support for the time being at least .
8 She sensed that , even in contesting her decision to make use of the Lodge , her father had found it impossible to speak his full revulsion for the place .
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