Example sentences of "[pron] 'd never see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had to admit that I 'd never seen Darren look so good .
2 I 'd never seen Terry look so hopeful about anything before .
3 I 'd never seen Mum dance before , but she slipped out of her sandals and danced with Auntie Jean to the Jackson Five .
4 I 'd never seen Lisabeth so sentimental before .
5 I 'd never seen sugar nor fruit .
6 I 'd never seen Paula in , in glasses , ever , other than in photographs
7 Overwhelmingly , she did n't want to believe any of it had happened ; her instinct was to block it out of her mind , to pretend she 'd never seen Adam and Jake , much less a host of silver-helmed spear men …
8 She 'd never seen swings like them before or since — wooden boats painted bright yellow with curlicues of red and green , where two of you sat facing each other and pulled alternately on ropes to swing yourselves higher and higher .
9 She 'd never seen John drunk before , and did n't particularly like it .
10 She 'd never seen Ace showing the slightest sign of domesticity in either his London flat or the Monaco apartment .
11 ‘ I suppose her memory 's a bit faulty , ’ Irene commented on the old lady 's assertion that she 'd never seen Elaine .
12 He 'd never seen fruit that shape and colour .
13 He 'd never seen stars like he 'd seen them around here , cold and diamond-sharp and so many .
14 He 'd never seen Janet drinking out of a can before , either .
15 The birds were n't anything he knew and he 'd never seen toadstools like that with spots on .
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