Example sentences of "[pron] want [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
2 Erm now what I want to say at the very very end is a quick observation by Beatrix Campbell who wrote a book about the Cleveland er child sex abuse scandal which took place in the late 1980's .
3 I want to look at the consequences of replacing these assumptions by two others : that we should concentrate on how mind might develop out of matter ; and that we should view the mind primarily as something which enables action .
4 ‘ No , I want to look at the ponies with Ricky , ’ said Perdita , frantic not to miss a minute .
5 Firstly I want to look at the idea of partnership .
6 I 'm sorry to inflict this on you , Miss Glynn , but I want to look at the contents of the bureau amongst other things and it is better that a member of the family should be present .
7 I want to look at the bodies . ’
8 If you wait five years it gets slightly steeper so the force to you becomes that and so on and so forth , forty five fifty and you can see at fifty five if you want to retire at a certain age er what 's the age that you actually want to retire ?
9 And , of course , you buy only the weeks you want to use at a fraction of the cost of buying the whole property , with all the facilities of the first class Hotel and Country Club at your disposal …
10 erm she 's got a family Margaret , she said she wo n't go there any more she I , I do n't know whether that er Jean does so Did n't she just cotton on quickly , she said do you know that , I said why do I want anybody wandering in my house and my kitchen , I said it 's a bit like it 's clean , why should I have somebody sort of , well I mean just because I 'm doing cooking , she said you would n't stop fancy one , you never know , she said well unless you want to stop at the , please do n't , you 'll let me still have your jam wo n't you ?
11 Not unless you want to sit at the table do you ?
12 It looks the English breakfast fixing it up for , that 's what and if you , if you want to look at an X-ray , you will see that the arteries of the body , those are the arteries , bring the blood supply is blocked with arteriosclerosis , and there you can see the English breakfast , the yolk of egg , the butter and all these things that are in there , causing a blockage of the artery , not enough to that muscle , and a heart attack , death and all these unbelievable things , that give me a little bit of income .
13 You want to look at the toys while I go in here ? ’
14 All spreadsheets are currently static , in the sense that if you 've got a set of rows and columns and you want to look at the information in a different way , you have to move rows and columns of data around , change formulas — in fact rebuild the entire structure of the model .
15 Oh yes I mean Then er we had the Christmas Fair meeting of which maybe you want to look at the minutes now .
16 And then er part B bundles one , two and three er my Lord you want to look at the documentation which is dealing specifically with the purchase of the wine bar .
17 kick up a row , I said you want to look at the dogs , just go outside and see all the old rubbish that get 's chucked out there
18 The idea is to order everything you want to eat at the same time , then work your way through the tower of baskets .
19 You have some important business to attend to , for which you want to feel at the peak of your mental powers .
20 But while there are plenty of people who want to look at the car , what sort of person would actualy want to buy it ?
21 Those who want to get at the frozen part of their savings in the old currency will have to buy new currency from the central bank , at auctions where it will cost them well over its face value .
22 " We want to stop at the Bourgeois Gentilhomme , " she said , with the remnants of the French accent the nuns had carefully taught her .
23 Ah , well , we want to say at the bottom items one five seven and twenty four are two piece construction .
24 We want to stay at the top level while doing the same things we did 40 years ago .
25 One , we 're going to look at why well trained staff are , are so important to the C U , secondly we 're going to look at things responsibility training is and lastly we want to look at a systematic approach that you can take as training .
26 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
27 ‘ If they want to go at a certain pace and not become a Top Five singles band you have to respect them for it .
28 If not , he argues , players should be able to opt for another country if — like John Gallagher or the Samoans playing in the All Black trials — they want to play at the highest level regardless of country .
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