Example sentences of "[pron] wants [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone wants to win the First Divisiocn championship .
2 We said that if the revolution is victorious in Russia and a republican government comes to power which wants to continue the imperialist war in alliance with the imperialist bourgeoisie of England and France , a war for the conquest of Constantinople , Armenia , Galicia , and so on and so forth , then we will be decided opponents of such a government , we will be against " 'the defence of the Fatherland " " in such a war .
3 She wants to see the other guy 's thing .
4 And er , so she said she , she wants to take the last couple of days away
5 Well you see she wants to do the whole lot er cos it 's all She said , Feet are the only part of the human body she can tolerate .
6 And she wants to do the same things as us .
7 Who wants to spend the last 10 or 20 years of their existence incontinent , or unable to speak properly , or with severe memory problems , or unable to walk ?
8 Anyone who wants to gain the maximum benefit from Alexander lessons should be committed to a course of individual sessions with a qualified teacher .
9 The new rules place a statutory duty on anyone who wants to alter the genetic structure of living creatures in the laboratory — or to use such organisms after they have been genetically engineered — to notify the executive well in advance so that it can assess independently the safety of the proposed activity .
10 in the process of revision one wants to see the semantic net and see the linear form repeatedly .
11 With this business of embargo , Liz , I 'll agree with that but the , the off the record , one wants to get the local people very well and you do develop this , this trust , and if you can in fact give them a lot of scope that you know what to use .
12 Another and at least equally powerful strand says no , because it wants to emphasise the distinctive value of women 's insights , and also the special bond of sisterhood which is seen as binding women together , rather than letting them be absorbed and assimilated into he wider human group .
13 Digital Equipment Corp is very much an also-ran in X-terminals with its VXT 2000 line , but the firm says it wants to become the dominant player in the market and to that end is following leader Network Computing Devices Inc in going after OEM business — minimum 3,000 units .
14 The machinery firm says it wants to redevelop the 400 acre site , with the co-operation of Wrexham Maelor Council , for new industry and housing .
15 Swoon director Tom Kalin — he wants to seduce the whole nation with his New Queer Cinema
16 In historical terms , he wants to re-establish the late 18th century symbiosis of research and economy that led to the growth of Germany 's industrial giants such as AEG , Bosch and Siemens .
17 Cos he wants to use the other five hundred
18 If each member of the legislature who votes for a checkerboard compromise does so not because he himself has no principles but because he wants to give the maximum possible effect to the principles he thinks right , then how has anyone behaved irresponsibly ?
19 ‘ He wo n't let us watch Neighbours or Home and Away and will always say he wants to watch the other side , no matter what it is . ’
20 The Director of Swaziland 's Curriculum Research and Development Unit at Manzini must motor miles to Mbabane if he wants to see the Chief Education Officer .
21 He wants to suggest the exclusive nature of that subliminal world — to dwell there , and to forget the conscious world .
22 He wo n't be put off with a surface answer , but he wants to know the far end of everything ’
23 But he wants to become the first man to do it all the way across .
24 You get the feeling that if he wants to play the hard-assed producer , he can .
25 Somebody called John Hawley reviewed the novel for the Times , and he was rather sniffy : ‘ Begley is clearly after something more than entertainment here : he wants to write The Great Gatsby .
26 After dinner , the person at the top of the list is offered first choice of all the hotel water and selects where he wants to fish the following day .
27 And he wants to , at the very least I think it 's reasonable to say , he wants to influence the Communist Party that , that this is the way you should be looking at the world and it , it is different to the way you were looking at it .
28 Mr Kinnock not only likes the Social Chapter , he wants to throw the whole Book of Brussels at our constitution .
29 IF Major wants to make his mark he wants to fire the damn Treasury .
30 He wants to recreate the human race in the image of his ideal .
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