Example sentences of "[pron] put [adv prt] a hand " in BNC.

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1 Unconsciously she put up a hand to that fatal head of hair , and her fingers , coming into contact with the enveloping white cap , brought her a sobering thought .
2 She put up a hand and tried to push him aside .
3 She put up a hand as if to ward him off , summoning every ounce from her reserves to say lightly , ‘ Of course we 'll talk .
4 She put out a hand and touched the prostrate woman — and drew it away in distress .
5 She put out a hand and touched Millie 's cheek now , saying softly , ‘ I ramble on , child .
6 She put out a hand and touched the nearest arm , and the driver turned round quickly .
7 She put out a hand and felt him wince as she found his injured eye .
8 She put out a hand to him .
9 She put out a hand , and the thing wrapped itself around her arm , warm and dry and tingling — and Bernice was suddenly struck by a question so obvious it stunned her .
10 She put out a hand to touch one of the ribbed blue and yellow vases on the marble mantelpiece .
11 She put out a hand to him at once .
12 When she reached him , she put out a hand to grasp his arm .
13 She put out a hand and touched him on the sleeve , but he moved back as if he had n't noticed , and she said on a rising note , ‘ Why are you looking like that ? ’
14 Her eyes swam and she put out a hand as if to ward off the blows .
15 Something about her nature which was without structure ; something which , if one put out a hand to touch , to join , simply dissolved . )
16 He put up a hand and ripped the head harness off .
17 He put out a hand and pushed my shoulder fiercely .
18 He put out a hand , and I took it .
19 He put out a hand and smoothed the bear 's shaggy head , giving it embarrassed pats , while looking up at the bear-leader as if to say , Is that all right ?
20 He put out a hand and drew Susan 's hair away from the side of her face .
21 He put out a hand and leaned against an outcrop of rock , head bowed , his torso thrust forward , and let go two more jets of puke .
22 He put out a hand .
23 He put out a hand and caressed her hair , her head , with tenderness and , she thought , curious detachment .
24 He put out a hand with uncharacteristic demonstrativeness and touched her cheek .
25 Luke moved swiftly round the desk to where she sat , and she flinched as he put out a hand , lifting a loose , shining curl away from the side of her brow .
26 He put out a hand to her and she slapped it away .
27 She made for the door , but as perforce she had to pass him he put out a hand and caught her by the wrist .
28 He put out a hand to take the doll from her , to admire her exquisite handiwork , and when , in the doing , her hand touched his , a shiver of something which she had never thought to feel again passed over her .
29 She looked up at him , her face so blotched and swollen that despite himself he put out a hand to comfort her , only for her to let out a frightened cry , trying frantically to burrow into the sofa to avoid any contact with him .
30 On impulse , he put out a hand , and touched the back of it to her cheek .
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