Example sentences of "[pron] gives [pers pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I notice if someone gives me full cream like in cereal and I just think , I wo n't eat .
2 When someone gives you some information , try to repeat it to yourself in the same way it was given to you .
3 Less appears to be known about whether his mood swings were severe enough to justify manic-depression as a primary diagnosis ; but Smart himself gives us some clue when he writes : ‘ For I have a greater compass of mirth and melancholy than another . ’
4 Nobody gives you better value for money .
5 'E gives me enough embarrassment as it is by what 'e gets up to .
6 You should n't need no 'elp , but if 'e gives yer any lip , just call me . ’
7 ‘ Things are still unclear and until somebody gives us definite information we wo n't be drawn into speculating .
8 According to the theory of universal grammar , children start outlife with a universal grammar or language ‘ blueprint ’ in the mind which gives them some idea of the form that any language will take .
9 He would later describe the king as " one of the most brilliant statesman I have ever been privileged to meet , with a fantastic memory and a third eye which gives him great sensitivity and extraordinary perception . "
10 This will include : ( i ) the mother ; ( ii ) the father if he was married to the mother when the child was born ; ( iii ) the father , if he was not married to the child 's mother when the child was born but he has since married her or now has a residence order , a court order which gives him parental responsibility or a formal parental responsibility agreement made with the mother in accordance with s4(2) of the Act ; ( iv ) a guardian of the child which in this context means a testamentary guardian appointed in accordance with s5 of the Act ; ( v ) anyone who holds a custody or residence order relating to the child ; ( vi ) a local authority which has a care order in respect of the child ; ( vii ) anyone who has been granted an emergency protection order ; ( viii ) in the case of an adopted child , the adopters in place of the natural parents .
11 Softboard has a spongy texture , which gives it good sound and thermal insulation properties .
12 It must therefore be acquired and taught in a way which gives it general significance .
13 You should ask the package manager for this and enter the password using option 1.7.0 — View Module Details or the package manager can set up a special relation using option 7.2.6 — Grant / Cancel Special Link which gives you automatic access to all modules managed by that user .
14 Of course , that does n't mean you ca n't go climbing in them , providing you get a size which gives you enough movement .
15 you divide three hundred and sixty by that number of sides which gives you this angle here , the angle at the centre .
16 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
17 On the other hand , no personal endings are found here simply because no ordinal rank has yet been represented at this early stage of verb formation , a fact which gives us some insight into the reality underlying the term " non-finite " .
18 BR chairman Sir Bob Reid welcomed the announcement as a ‘ breakthrough which gives us some investment headroom . ’
19 Nothing gives me more pleasure now and if I go to the to the libraries and a young lad I say a young man like you will come to me and say , Hello Nurse , How are you ?
20 He gives me another burn and he has one for himself , blowing the smoke back into my mouth afterwards .
21 Cash freely revives his back catalogue , fine by me — he gives them new life and a new generation deserves to hear where Nick Cave got ‘ Wanted Man ’ from .
22 He gives them tremendous know-how , and the fact that he has been out for so long wo n't affect him .
23 He gives us that space to grow into the maturity he wants from each of us : freedom to think , freedom to pray in our own way , freedom to worship according to our temperament and inclination .
24 and John one in verse twelve it says but as many have received him , to them he gave the right , the authority , the , the power , to become children of God , even to those who believe on his name and this of course is what making our commitment to Christ is , it 's receiving him for ourselves , it 's plugging in , it 's saying yes I have n't got that power myself , I am not able to do it I need you to come and do it for me , I accept that you have that power , you have that authority , you have dealt with my sin and I receive it for me , we trust Christ to save us from sin and commit ourselves to his kingly ruling our lives , we are as the bible says then , born again , new creations , we are made alive in Christ , I give you one verse in Colossians and in chapter three , verse four it says when Christ who is our life is revelled , then you also no sorry verse , verse three , verse three , sorry for you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God but you say that 's all very well that , that brings me into the place of becoming a follower of Jesus yes I 've accepted him , but what about all this pressures here , Christ I , I 'm willing to receive them and to make the centre of my life , I 've received that he died for me , but what about all those things that 's twisting and marring and distorting my life , that 's rubbing me , my life can be more , God wants it to be , well that 's the great thing when Jesus comes , he does n't just come and sit down and that 's all there is to it , but he comes in by the holy spirit and as Christ is the centre of our life so he , as we submit to him and to his authority as we become obedient to his word , doing what he tells us , what he says for us , then the power of his spirit in our life starts operating , God the holy spirit , cos that 's how we become Christians , we are born again of God spirit and God Christ was in us , not the man who walked here on Galilee , he is a man in glory , but he comes into your life and into my life by the holy spirit and he gives us new spiritual resources which help us to overcome those influences of evil that are pressing in on us and trying to , to , to , to distort our lives and depress it into its mould , those things that have spoiled our lives , he gives us spiritual power and spiritual resources over them .
25 ‘ I do n't know why anyone gives them any credence . ’
26 This hardly tallies with the sentiments expressed in a letter in the possession of the College in which Coleman , writing on 24 February 1813 , gracefully declined an invitation to become President of the London Veterinary Society : ‘ Gentlemen , I received your letter , and it gives me great pleasure to see so much zeal for the improvement of the veterinary art in Gentlemen , whom any & every Teacher might well be proud to call his Pupils — I shall most willingly grant the use of the College Theatre for the examination and discussion of such points as may be considered by you most important for the advancement of the Veterinary Science … you rightly observe that a number of minds concentrated on one object can not fail to improve any art far beyond the reach of any individual and I have no doubt that the Public will ultimately derive great benefits from your united exertions .
27 And it gives me great pleasure to personally invite you and your guest , to spend a luxurious weekend on the Craigendarroch Country Estate , just a few miles from Balmoral in the heart of Royal Deeside .
28 " It gives me great pleasure , Madame Sherman , to welcome you and your son to the imperial court of Annam , " he said politely .
29 It gives me great pleasure to wish AEA Technology and their new journal Competitive Edge every success in their efforts to assist the technology transfer process .
30 Congress , it gives me great pleasure to declare congress open .
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