Example sentences of "[pron] to look at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For allowing ourselves to look at the report and find the actions , and not just the actions themselves .
2 Do you want me to send someone to look at the plough ? ’
3 The council said it would cost £10 to send somebody to look at the wall and then I 'd have to pay to have it repaired .
4 Francis forced himself to look at the screens again , and he could see that there were less of the winged creatures flitting among the struts and cables .
5 PC Chris Eden said : ‘ It 's amazing how drivers ’ attitudes change when we ask them to look at the recording .
6 The allegation of the defence had to be met and properly dealt with , so the matter would be returned to the justices for them to look at the circumstances and come to a proper determination after they had heard further evidence .
7 Instead she pointed out what she thought was happening in the session and the need for all of them to look at the problems in a constructive way .
8 A notice apologising for keeping visitors waiting and inviting them to look at the booklets adds the finishing touch .
9 He wanted me to look at the provision by the business of work experience for secondary school students during the compulsory stage of their education .
10 ‘ Walked on the race course before breakfast the air balmy and very delightful , great numbers of the blue mountain parrots were making their morning meal on a large kind of the Eucalypti — two of the beautiful Nankeen night herons passed over our heads and we heard the curious note of the coul [ cowl ] bird or bald-headed friar — returned with an excellent appetite — drew all day — in the evening John called me to look at the skin of a snake more than six feet long which James shot in the act of ascending a tree — also brought me some beautiful specimens of a climbing plant bearing thick clusters of cream colour blossoms . ’
11 Merymose asked me to look at the body . ’
12 Is the on the C V T , but again it 's , it 's easier to look at something when we 're talking about this , so I 'm going to ask you to look at the Covermaster rate book , which does n't have page numbers , but I want you to find the allocation to units table which is about four or five pages in .
13 The evening will enable you to look at the paintings and sculptures in an atmosphere of unhurried calm : quite a contrast to the frantic activity that precedes the show , as veteran exhibitor Fred Dubery explains
14 Now the next , I want you to look at the verse prologue of the play .
15 I would certainly advise anybody to look at the policy , and if they want more cover speak to the dealer that they bought the vehicle from , because it may well be that they could have erm a much , much greater cover which is of more value to them .
16 I also asked him to look at the Twyford Down plan with a view to having a tunnel under the Down rather than a cutting .
17 A chance visit to Blackwardine caused him to look at the map for features of interest .
18 They 've asked him to look at the case because it makes a mockery of justice .
19 In this instance it is very important for him to look at the monitor while talking and try to pretend that the interviewer is in the room with him .
20 Well I er do n't agree that there has been er understaffing and in the statement which I made to the House today I was able to point out what a very big increase in er the total complement of the prison officers has taken place during recent years , but it 's up to Lord Justice Woolf to look in to whatever evidence is put before him , it 's for him to look at the terms of reference and he will no doubt decide what is relevant and what is not .
21 You were flashing it to look at the display in the window . ’
22 This must lead us to look at the shortcomings of the ‘ how many divisions has the Pope 's approach to the estimation of political influence .
23 The concept of an unspecified information need is further developed by Wersig , who looks at a need situation as a problem situation and states that , " the notion of problem treatment process enables us to look at the stages which play an important role within the organism before any behaviour can be observed . "
24 Our discoveries about their similarities and differences will lead us to examine other passages in Exodus and Numbers , and our desire to explain certain features of all these texts will then encourage us to look at the positions they occupy in the larger narrative , and so discuss their contexts in greater detail .
25 Having early disposed of the false idea that in the Middle Ages people believed in a flat earth , Lewis tells us to look at the sky itself .
26 To assert this is merely to reiterate a point that should be obvious : that science , however sophisticated its instrumentation , can not generate observations that somehow enable us to look at the relationship between experience and the world as it were from outside of experience .
27 So I think erm Hertfordshire 's voice should be heard and however , my resolution asks us to look at the possibility of opposing not only the building of terminal five but all further airport expansion in the South East be it at Heathrow , Stansted , Gatwick or Luton .
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