Example sentences of "[pron] find [pn reflx] in the " in BNC.

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1 I find myself in the position of the dart player who one day discovers he is unable to let go of the dart !
2 Then , as my breath has now returned to me and I find myself in the company of my bestest friend , it is my considered opinion that we proceed together upon the epic journey and face as one whatever adventures lie before . ’
3 When you die you find yourself in the World of the Dead .
4 Then , round a corner , you find yourself in the famous archaeological dig , which has been reconstructed where it took place , with the preserved tenth century buildings re-erected where they were found .
5 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
6 If you find yourself in the position of having to land the model some distance away ( which you will ) , here again they will be of great help .
7 Any members who find themselves in the Adelaide area can be assured of a warm welcome there .
8 Will the Minister explain what he is going to say to the people of the Holloway area who find themselves in the unenviable position of having the jobcentre with the largest gap between the number of vacancies and the number of registered unemployed ?
9 In such comments we find ourselves in the precise atmosphere of Rudolf Otto 's ‘ numinous ’ , the ‘ mysterium tremendum et fascinans ’ — the mystery that creates wonderment as well as terror — which surely accounts at least in part for the high level of religious feeling in Canadian folklore and literature ; not least in Leonard 's expression of it .
10 Back , back we find ourselves in the frustrating and confusing conceptual warp .
11 Perhaps we should not be too surprised when we find ourselves in the new world of quality primary care .
12 And I 'd like to explain since we find ourselves in the real world , rather than fantasy land , how we 've approached the subject of client server .
13 Another potential problem for patients is that they find themselves in the role of information-giver , and it is often information of a very personal nature .
14 But Pip , as a gentleman , does not move into a sparkling world of pleasure where he lives ‘ happily ever after ’ , instead he find himself in the corrupt , sordid London .
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